Room X Bungee X Muah

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Katsumi didn't go home right after dinner, she had once again been roped into go to Hisoka's room. But for good reason. He had promised that if she accompanied him home, then he would give her an idea of what his nen ability is. Although he wouldn't disclose how he uses it to its full extent.

They stood a few feet in front of each other, Katsumi's arms crossed in front of her as she patiently waited.

At that moment, Hisoka had waved a finger towards her, instantly making Katsumi use gyo. She raised a hand and swatted the pink substance that was aimed at her, away.

"Hisoka, is this the extent of your 'magic trick'?" Katsumi asked annoyed. If this was simply it, throwing a pink substance around, then she was annoyed that Kagome and Illumi had always talked so highly of his abilities.

But then the unexpected had happened.

Hisoka smirked as he then tugged on the pink substance, causing Katsumi's arm to jerk up.

Katsumi gave Hisoka a wide eye look  before he had tugged harder, pulling her towards him.

And now she was trapped.

Katsumi stood before Hisoka, his hand wrapped tightly around her wrist. She simply stared at him in slight surprise, she hadn't expected such a playful nen to be Hisoka's ability. Well she should have... he's a magician.

"My bungee gum has both properties of rubber and gum~" Hisoka whispered to Katsumi, his playful smirk evident on his face.

But then it was Hisoka's turn to be surprised as he had been slightly pulled away from Katsumi. Hisoka looked down to see a large skeleton hand that emitted a green aura, had wrapped its way around his body. Following the source, he noticed it had come from her free hand.

"Hmm?~" Hisoka said, intrigued.

"My nen takes the form of anything I desire." Katsumi explained.

Hisoka stared once more at the green skeletal hand in awe. This woman was simply something else.

"How annoying, I didn't want to show you my nen ability." Katsumi pouted. "But your 'chewing gum'-"

"Bungee gum~"

"Your 'bungee gum', is quite a handful." Katsumi explained as she put emphasis on the name of his ability.

Hisoka simply smirked in return. Not because of the compliment Katsumi had given, well partly that... but it was because she had freely given a demonstration of her ability. One that Hisoka had all of a sudden grown a high interest in, no wonder Illumi and Kagome praised her so much.

As Hisoka was in awe, Katsumi had retracted her ability, allowing his feet to touch the floor. While Katsumi continuedly pouted that she had accidentally performed her ability, Hisoka's bungee gum was still in effect. Taking this opportunity, he had once again pulled Katsumi towards him.


And forcefully kissed her on the lips.

Did this man just put bungee gum on my lips?!

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