September X Runt X Mixed

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And the days would pass, leading up to September 1. Apparently Chrollo's previous meeting with Katsumi, which had moved from the original date of August 30th, was simply a date. But Chrollo knew if he had called it that initially, Katsumi wouldn't actually show up.

Instead, the actual date of contract would be on September 1, so that Katsumi could meet and interact with the others. How exciting...

She stood by Chrollo as he began to casually explain what he wanted.

The other members began to slowly enter the deserted building, all giving her a peculiar or welcoming look. They either knew of her, or didn't know her.

"Hmm?" A loud voice had wondered as it walked in. "Who's the cute lil runt?" The voice continued as it's owner only took a glance at the short girl talking to his boss.

The voice was loud as it hid no hesitation in wondering who she was out loud. She turned around and stared at the man who called her a 'cute lil runt', and simply smiled as she noticed the large man with grey hair walking away from her.

Quickly, she ran to him as he began to sit down, and had caught him off guard as she stood in front of him as he sat down amongst one of the many broken rocks.

"Huh?" The large man said as she placed her hands on his knees, admiring the man in front of her. He simply blushed at how close she was.

"So you think I'm cute," She said, a smile on her face as she questioned the big man. "U-vo-chan."

Uvogin stared at the woman in front of him again before his face began to crack a smile, grabbing the smaller woman in a huge bear hug.

"Katsumi!" He roared in happiness. "How are you, you lil runt! You've gotten so big now!" Uvogin said excitedly.

"I'm good... Since someone here thinks I'm cute." Katsumi continued to tease as Uvogin's cheeks flushed pink again.

"Don't get full of yourself kid, you were cute back then when you were smaller."  Uvogin said back.

"I'm technically still smaller then you, so I must still be cute." Katsumi grinned back.

"Nothing has changed, you're still annoying." He joked.

"That's you who's always been annoying."

"So I got a question for you Uvo- chan."

"What is it brat?" Uvogin asked questionably.

"So what do you know about Hisoka?"

"Hisoka?" Uvogin repeated as he looked to the ceiling in a thoughtful manner, and scratched his head. "I don't know much about him to be honest."

"You're useless Uvo- chan." -_____-

"I'll tell you now though, if you plan on getting mixed up with the boss, don't get mixed up with Hisoka." Uvogin answered seriously. "That's my warning to ya."

I don't want to be mixed up with neither of those two!

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