Advances X Cute X Aniki

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Finally reaching the 2nd exam place, Katsumi had run off to find Kagome. But of course, someone was searching for her as well.

Hisoka had approached her from behind, his eyes stayed on her hips before they moved lower down her body.

As he neared her, he had suddenly placed a hand around her waist. Katsumi quickly glares at him, not because she felt uncomfortable near the jester, but merely because she didn't quite understand why her face would heat up when he neared her.

"You guys do look cute together." A third person had commented.

"Where have you been Kagome?" Katsumi questioned, ignoring Hisoka's advances towards her.

"I've been running, duh." Kagome answered as she crossed her arms. "Plus I figured I could leave you and your new boyfriend to be alone."

"Boyfriend?" Katsumi questioned as Hisoka pulled her towards him. "Oh... Yeah, no." She continued on as she tried pushing the jester away, but he wasn't ready to put away his new toy yet. Kagome simply laughed as another person had approached the group. What a popular group, everyone was just going to them.

They all stared at the new comer that had joined the group, needles poking out of his head and making a clattering noise as he moved. Katsumi stared at him for a bit before saying anything.


Just as quickly she had said his name, a needle was thrown directly towards her head. Katsumi quickly dodged with a slight squeak and turned into Hisoka as she had suddenly grabbed onto him. 

"My name is Gittarackur." The needle head had said to her with a dangerous tone. "And Hisoka,"


"Why are you holding onto my sister?"

Hisoka put his hands up in defense as he gave Gittarackur a sly smile.

"Kagome introduced us. ~ ♡" Hisoka admitted with a smile. Katsumi just gave him an annoyed look as her cheeks flushed pink, while Gittarackur stared at him with a disbelieving look.

"Don't throw me into this." Kagome commented in the background.

"Kagome- chan introduced us because she said Katsumi- chan is looking for a suitor~"

"I'm not looking." Katsumi answered annoyed. "I was forced to look for a suitor cause 'Illu-nii' said I should be married by now."

Another needle was sent her way as she quickly dodged once again.

"Stop calling me by name, I do not want Killua to know I'm here."

"Then stop trying to force me into finding suitor."

"... No."

Aniki! I hate youuuu!

Suitor [Hisoka X OC]Where stories live. Discover now