Bonus : Before X Back X Then

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Katsumi stood there for a moment amongst the trees, eyeing the young female who eyed her back. She had a feeling she could probably take her on in a fight. But something was telling her to not take this person for granted. So she didn't, but decided maybe it's best to just avoid her.

For a second time, she would encounter the same female deep in the forest of the small island. Katsumi was only in the area because she had followed her target there specifically, she didn't expect to be watched by one of the residents so closely.

"Do you have a problem with me being here?" Katsumi finally yelled out. The unknown female knew it was directed at her, so she answered back.

"Yeah! What the fcuk you doing here!?"

For a moment, Katsumi was slightly surprised by her vulgar response. Who the hell talks like that to strangers!?

"I'm working!" Katsumi yelled back annoyed. "So can you just go away and fish or something."

The female, slightly offended by the comment, threw the small fish she had in her basket, at Katsumi. Which she had easily dodged.

Katsumi growled, before jumping down from the tree, and approached the female that stood before her now. Her hair was a dark green, with menacing brown eyes. They almost felt unwelcoming.

"Can you leave me alone, I'm working." Katsumi declared.

"You don't look like a fisherman." The girl answered. "So what could you possibly be doing here for work?"

"I'm an assassin dumba**!" Katsumi got riled up. Who the fcuk was this girl anyways?

The girl stared back blankly for a moment.

"An assassin? On whale island?" The girl questioned.

"Yeah, got a problem with it?" Katsumi shot back, her arms crossed now.

"What's it like?" The strange girl continued to ask. "What's it like outside the island?"

For  a moment, Katsumi stared at her in disbelief.

"You've never been off the island?" Katsumi questioned.

"No." The girl shook her head. "What's it like? If I help you find this person you're looking for, will you tell me?"

"I don't need your help to do a job I was born into." Katsumi declared.

"Whatever." The girl answered back, grabbing Katsumi as she did and pulling her along. "Let's go."

"Wait, where are we going?" Katsumi asked once more. "I told you I'm working!"

"Yeah, yeah. Just follow."

And the girl took Katsumi to a small river, the clearing slightly small. But near the river, hidden amongst the bushes on the edge, was a man, hiding.

"Is that who you're looking for?" The girl asked in a whisper.

"How did you..." Katsumi questioned as she stared at the paranoid man, looking back and forth to every loud sound in the area.

"I've seen him walking through the forest for awhile." The girl admitted. "He's not from the island either, so I kept an eye on him as well."

Katsumi stayed silent for a moment. How was this girl keeping an eye on two random people in such a large forest on her own? Was she also trained by assassins? Or trained in a such a hard degree that it allowed her senses to sense everything in the wooded area?

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