Attach X Machi X Sleepover

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Katsumi had roamed the halls for a bit after the fight. Perhaps she should see Hisoka, she did promise to go on another date if she had stayed till the very end of his fight. And she did. 

But it seemed like he already had a guest, judging from the female voice coming from the room. 

"Oh, so it seems his arms are being reattached." Katsumi softly commented, listening in on the conversation. "Damnit." 

The conversation went a little longer as Katsumi simply stood outside the doorway and listened in. She had learned that the female visiting was indeed part of the troupe, and if she had reattached Hisoka's arms... it's probably Machi. 

Machi exited the room as both females heard Hisoka ask Machi to have dinner with him, but she simply ignored his question. 

By this time, Katsumi had hid around the corner as Machi exited, only to watch her pause and look around for a bit. She probably sensed her... oh well. 

When Katsumi was sure Machi had left, she had snuck into the room as she formed her nen into a door key. 

Katsumi heard the shower running, and knew instantly Hisoka was in the bathroom. For a moment she debated to leave, but he had soon exited as she had finally made a decision. 

"Katsumi- chan~ What a surprise." 

"Hisoka." Katsumi replied as she eyed him, he only stood there in a towel. 

"Did you enjoy the fight?~" Hisoka asked, noticing Katsumi's wondering eyes as he approached her. 

"I was hoping your arms wouldn't be reattached." Katsumi admitted as Hisoka trapped her against the wall. She avoided the question all together. 

"I'm hurt, Katsumi- chan~" Hisoka teased. "You must have not enjoyed the fight, so what is your real reason for coming to visit me?~" 

Katsumi stood still for a moment, what was her real reason for coming? 

Hisoka eyed her mischievously, he stared down at her thoughtful expression, and her plump lips as she thought about his question. Katsumi wasn't going to admit she enjoyed the fight, neither would she admit that she had come to have her date with him. 

Hisoka had gently held her by the chin, pulling her attention away from her thoughts. 

"Why don't you stay the night~" 

It wasn't even a question, it was a statement. Yet, Katsumi found herself questioning everything all over again. 


Katsumi had thought she had put so much effort into her answer... she didn't. Her answer was instant in reality, which surprised Hisoka. 

"Is this part of our deal?~" Hisoka questioned, cause then he would go all out if it meant he wouldn't see Katsumi for weeks again. 

"No." Katsumi said as she removed her jacket, Hisoka becoming hard at the sight of her bare skin. "You can pick when we go out." 

"Then what would you call tonight?~" Hisoka continued, his eyes wondering over her as he imagined her naked and beneath him once more. 

"A sleepover, I guess." 

"But Katsumi- chan~" 


"You won't be sleeping, much~ ♡" 

... Kagome please save me. T^T

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