Grumpy X Reward X Hint

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Following Illumi was a bust. He actually did have a job to do. So Katsumi went home with a pout on her face, which Hisoka noticed.

"Why does my beautiful little wife to be, have such a grumpy face on?~" Hisoka asked, pulling Katsumi's face towards him by her chin. It was slightly odd to be called a 'wife to be'... but it's true anyways.

"Illu-ni is acting suspicious." Katsumi answered with a pout.

"How so?~" 

"He kept leaving to answer his text. He never does that." Katsumi complained.

"So you followed him to figure it out, and you found nothing~"

Hisoka's guess was 100% correct, which made Katsumi pout even more.

"Does it bother you?~" Hisoka questioned, heading towards the small kitchenette in the hotel room.

"No." Katsumi rolled her eyes. "I'm just curious. I'm sure you know something, right Hisoka?"

"Uh-uh~" Hisoka almost hummed out delightfully. He knows something.

So Katsumi made her way to Hisoka, she was sure he knew something about Illumi with the way he acted. Plus as much as Illumi didn't want to admit it, he was actually much closer to Hisoka as a friend then he actually let on.

"You do know something." Katsumi replied, standing before him.

"Katsumi-chan, I know nothing more then you do~" Hisoka explained.

"You wouldn't lie to your wife, would you Hisoka?" Katsumi asked.

The question caught Hisoka off guard a little. So she was using her new title against him, and it was a smart move cause it would probably work.

"Of course not~" Hisoka smiled, a little devious one to give off the slightest hint that he was losing this argument.

"How about I give you a reward for telling me." Katsumi proposed, her arms wrapping stretching to wrap around Hisoka's neck.

"A reward?~"

"How about I..." Katsumi answered as she used one hand to pull Hisoka close to her, whispering all the things she would do to reward him. All that, while her other hand travelled to the front of his pants.

She won this.

Hisoka let out a small audible moan at the feeling of Katsumi's hand. She knew exactly how to get what she wanted from him.

"Is that a good enough reward?" Katsumi questioned as she batted her eyelashes. Hisoka knew she was being a tease, but he was going to have her by the end of the night anyways. Or he could just have her now.

Hisoka grabbed Katsumi and pushed her against the wall, kissing her as he so badly wanted to relieve the tension between his legs.

And he did so... before he told Katsumi anything.

"Kagome and Phinks ended things between them~" Hisoka mentioned as he watched Katsumi with affection.


"After Greed Island~"

"How does this information even relate to Illu-ni?" Katsumi asked as she searched the room for her clothes. "And who told you anyways? And why didn't I know?"

"Illumi told me~" Hisoka grinned.

Katsumi paused with that information. Why would Illumi know that things ended between Kagome and Phinks? They weren't necessarily close... or was that untrue? Kagome was always first to know information before her, assuming it was grandpa Zeno who told her things. But what if the person who Katsumi believed was in constant contact with Kagome, isn't who she thought it was? And then she remembered that small phone charm on Illumi's phone.

Katsumi quickly kissed Hisoka as she ran around looking for clean clothes.

"I'll be back for dinner!" Katsumi yelled, heading for the door. "And don't you dare eat without me!"

Hisoka only smiled as he watched Katsumi run out the door. Now, it was probably time to prepare dinner.

If he eats without me... -_-

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