Father X Grandfather X Meet

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He stood before the two assassins in a calm yet ready manner, a third one entering the scene beside him. He knew of the assassins that stood before him, but they didn't really know of him... actually they don't even know him.

"Father, grandfather." The entering assassin had greeted in a dull tone.

"Illumi." Silva had answered back. "What is the reason for this meeting?"

"This is Katsumi's suitor, the man she's chosen to marry." Illumi answered.

He stood there calmly as Silva and Zeno stared at the man dressed as a jester, a small smile creeping to his lips at the thought of Katsumi.

"What is your name?" Silva asked in his deep voice, his tone serious, and laced with death.

"Hisoka~" Hisoka answered in his usual playful tone. The aura emitting from them was wonderful, they were powerful, but even Hisoka knew that insisting a fight with them would cause complications with him and Katsumi.

"Calm yourself, jester." Zeno suddenly said. "You're way to young to be my equal."

Hisoka could only let his smile creep his way out once more.

"What are your intentions for Katsumi?" Silva asked. Was this the man that Katsumi had mentioned earlier?

Hisoka simply shrugged his shoulders in a nonchalant manner.

"Nothing in particular, I simply wish to wed her~"

"A woman with the Zoldyck last name, and you have nothing to gain from her?" Silva continued on, he was sure that this man was a friend of Illumi's. Possibly Kagome's as well, since they shared some of the same interest.

How do you explain to a person's father, that the sole purpose you wish to marry their child, is simply because you want them to belong to you, and only you?

"Nothing at all~" Hisoka answered once more. "My intentions are nothing more~"

The answer is: you don't.

"Katsumi has taken a great liking to him." Illumi butted in.

But Silva and Zeno continued to stare at Hisoka, his aura making them think other wise. In all honesty, if Hisoka did kill Katsumi, then they'll just kill him in return. In Silva's mind though, if this was the man that Katsumi was talking about, then he may actually approve of him.

"I approve." Zeno suddenly said, surprising Illumi slightly.

"Oh?" Illumi questioned.

"As do I." Silva followed.

"How wonderful, Katsumi will be happy." Illumi praised with a dead panned face, and slightly happy tone. While Hisoka simply smiled at the idea.

"Ah!" Katsumi suddenly yelled out, sitting up on the bed in an abrupt manner.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Kagome questioned, sitting beside her with her snacks on her lap.

"I had a bad dream." Katsumi answered with tired eyes, waking up from a nap.

"A bad dream?" Kagome stifled a laugh. "And what would that be?"

"I dreamed that I married Hisoka." Katsumi shivered at the idea.

"That's it?" -____-

What do you mean 'that's it?'! That was a terrible dream! I married a clown!

Suitor [Hisoka X OC]Where stories live. Discover now