Deal X Attack X Perv

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Before getting off the boat, all applicants had to choose a card with a number on it in the order they had exited the tower. Katsumi was third to leave the boat, and waited a bit for Kagome, who was sixth.

"I don't know who this is." Katsumi admitted as she stared at her target's number.

"I got you." Kagome admitted, showing her card to Katsumi.

"Great." -_______-"

Without a spoken word, Katsumi had instantly given Kagome her badge.

"There, now you have 6 points." Katsumi said as she continued to stare at her card. Who the hell was 341?!

"How about we split up? We can keep in contact. You just need 341 and 3 other badges. We'll meet up after." Kagome suggested.

"Sure." Katsumi shrugged. Less work for her.

"Then I'm off." Kagome said with a smile, and ran off in the opposite direction.


It was then that a feeling of a prey being hunted raised goosebumps in Katsumi, and she instantly let out an aura of bloodlust as a warning to the Hunter.

Katsumi stared in open area for a moment, her eyes dangerous slits. Waiting.

From the corner of her eye, an unknown object was thrown at her. Katsumi quickly dodged it, jumping a bit backwards as the objects wedged itself into a tree.

"Playing cards... That fuc-" Katsumi began, before more of the same cards flew at her . Quickly, she dodged once more, and then ran in the direction of the attack. Her aura slipped out with an intent to kill, dodging every card thrown at her. Just as she had manipulated her hand to kill the one who was trying to kill her, she paused, her hand dangerously close to their throat. But a playing card was also close to hitting her throat as well. If she moved, she would surely die first. Stupid short arm length.

"Oh?~" Hisoka cooed at Katsumi. Yes she's an assassin. Yes she's a Zoldyck. Yet he was still surprised at the amount of bloodlust that poured out of her, she truly was trying to kill him. "What a surprise to see you, Kat- su- mi.~"

"You knew it was me clown, don't pretend." Katsumi answered bitterly, retracting her hand as she manipulated it again to be normal once more. "What do you want?"



"I only wanted to see your ability.~" Hisoka then admitted, a shrug of his shoulders. "Illumi and Kagome speak highly of your fighting ability.~"

"And?" Katsumi asked irritated.

"I just wanted to know...~" Hisoka replied as he stepped closer to her, his hand holding her chin up as he peered down at her with those yellow eyes. His face was mere centimeters away from hers. "If there was anything else... you're good in~ ♡"

It took Katsumi awhile to put two and two together.

This fcukin pervert!

Suitor [Hisoka X OC]Where stories live. Discover now