Dress X Elevator X Anticipation

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This was stupid. How she got roped into this was stupid.

"My my Katsumi- chan~" Hisoka had said as he leaned into her ear. "Don't you look wonderful~"

Katsumi simply growled in response. If it wasn't for his red hair, she probably wouldn't of had recognized the magician. His usual attire was swapped out for a neatly pressed black suit, his red hair was down and absent of product, and his signature star and tear were no where to be seen.

"Hisoka! Are you bringing Katsumi back later?" Kagome asked from inside the room.

"Am I allowed to keep her? ~" Hisoka asked as he looked pass Katsumi, and to Kagome sitting on the bed, eating snacks. She simply sat there with the tv on, and an oversized male shirt on.

"If you like." Kagome replied back immediately, receiving a dirty look from Katsumi.

Kagome simply laughed as she then raised her hand as a motion to 'shoo'.

"Have fun!" She yelled as Katsumi slammed the door closed to her greeting.

"Let's go." Katsumi said as she began to walk off, Hisoka walking behind her in amusement. He was simply entertained by Katsumi's choice in clothing, it was probably Kagome's idea.

She had worn a sleeveless black and gold dress. While the front had covered her completely up to her neck, it was the back of it that Hisoka like. The back of her dress was backless, and he couldn't help but stare at her bum as she walked. Although her legs were also covered by the long dress, it was the high slit on the left side of her dress that made Hisoka shiver in excitement. He wanted to simply bed this woman and destroy her... but only in bed. Maybe on the floor too. Bathroom counter as well? Maybe.

"Quit zoning out." Katsumi said as she had turned and caught Hisoka staring at her from behind. "Let's go, I'm starving." She said as they entered the elevator.

"Well aren't you so bold to say Katsumi~" Hisoka said as he had trapped Katsumi against the wall, both hands on either side of her. "If you're so hungry, we can always go back to my room~"

Katsumi simply stared at him, before a smirk appeared on her face. She stretched her arms around the magician's neck, and wrapped her arms around him. She leaned into his ear and then whispered:

"We will see Hisoka."

Hisoka bit his lip in anticipation, he was going to bed this woman tonight.

Stupid clown, I'm going home after dinner.

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