Bonus : Explain X Plan X Gift

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This is a little late...

For: @EmilyF10 , I'm forever grateful for her encouraging words.

"Anego..." Killua said as he stared at his sister a little dumbfounded. "You don't know what Christmas is?"

"No, I only know it's an event in December." Katsumi answered.

"Don't you ever read a book?" Killua continued on his tirade.

With that, Katsumi actually picked up a book... and threw it at him.

Gon watched from the side as Killua was hit in the face, but then he was to excited to explain what the holidays were to Katsumi.

"Katsumi- san, we can celebrate Christmas together." Gon offered, a giant smile on his face.

"You'll have to explain to me what Christmas is first." Katsumi smiled gently back.

From Katsumi's understanding, and Gon's explanation, Christmas was a time of giving. You gave gifts to those who mean a lot to you to show them how much they mean to you. She knew for a fact her family would think she's crazy for even doing such a thing, so maybe she'll just get gifts for everyone else.

So out Katsumi went, shopping around for gifts. Gon explained that gifts can be something that the receiver wants, or something that reminds the giver of the receiver. And honestly, this was way too hard.

But she got it done... with some help from Kagome.

"Happy Holidays!" Everyone cheered. Katsumi and Kagome decided to have a small celebration with Gon, Killua and Leorio at their hotel room. Unfortunately, Kurapika couldn't attend.

The small group had partied, exchanged gifts as they drank. Katsumi had gifted Gon new fishing gear and backpack, she had found out from Kagome that there was no way he would replace his current fishing gear. So, she figured, she could gift him something to help him out more. For Killua, a new backpack and... filled to the zipper with snacks in every pocket. She knew for a fact that Killua would only want snacks, so why not give him what he wants. For Leorio, a high end liquor... which he insisted that he, Katsumi and Kagome all share. It only made them laugh though for Kagome had gifted Leorio liquor as well, and Leorio, gifted them both... the same thing back. Which the three of them all drank together.

Katsumi was returning back to her room, after such a fun night of drinking and being in the company of people that she enjoyed. Although she felt attacked when her brother gave her a story book on the event of Christmas... she jumped him when she opened it. But, she still kept the book and honestly planned on reading it.

The real surprise, which Katsumi wasn't even surprised about, is the magician that was waiting in her room. She felt bad once she noticed his slightly formal attire. Nicely pressed slacks, a tailored suit jacket and tie that had been thrown on the side, and a dress shirt was completely unbuttoned, but he was still wearing it. 

"Katsumi- chan~" Hisoka recited with a slight happy tone in his voice, as he stood there pouring a glass of wine. 

"Did I forget something?" Katsumi asked suspiciously, grabbing the glass of wine Hisoka held out to her. 

"Hmm?~" Hisoka hinted that he was curious on what she meant. 

"You're in my hote-" Katsumi started. 

"Our ~" Hisoka corrected. 

"... you're in OUR hotel room dressed up." Katsumi emphasized. "Were you planning on going out?" 

"No~ I was waiting for you." 

"All this time?" Katsumi questioned as he nodded with an innocent, but really not innocent, smile. She was kind of starting to feel bad that he waited. 

"Well, Happy Holidays." Katsumi quickly said as she handed Hisoka the holiday looking gift bag, complete with pink tissue paper. She purposely did that cause it reminded her of his bungee gum. 

Hisoka only raised an eyebrow, he didn't think he would receive anything from Katsumi as a gift. Although, he was kind of waiting for a good time to give her his. 

"Why Katsumi- chan~ You didn't have too." Hisoka said with a sly smile, teasing the poor assassin till her face was red. 

"Just open it." Katsumi answered with a pout, turning her face away in embarrassment as Hisoka took the gift. 

And to be honest, Hisoka was a little surprised. Inside Katsumi had gifted him several packs of his favourite childhood candy, bungee gum and texture surprise. 

"You named your ability after those, I thought I recognized the name." Katsumi mentioned. "I assumed it's your favourite." 

Hisoka only smiled as he continued deeper into the bag. He wasn't going to admit to Katsumi that she in a sense had figured him out, figured out some part of his past. But all that was forgotten as he had pulled out the most unexpected thing. 


Hisoka eyed Katsumi with a smirk, causing the assassin to almost stutter. 

"It was Kagome's idea!" Katsumi blurted out. "She said that you would enjoy it as a gift if I wore it for you..." She mumbled out the rest. 

Hisoka was already approaching her, lingerie in hand, as she was mumbling how embarrassing this all was. 

"Then you should put it on, since it's part of my Christmas gift~" Hisoka whispered in her ear. 

"Right now?" Katsumi questioned. 

"It's Christmas, and this is part of my gift~" Hisoka mentioned as he placed the clothing in her hands, and shooed her to the bathroom. 

Katsumi came out after, her face redder then ever. She was embarrassed, although she had slept with him countless times, this was the first she has ever worn such... clothing like this. 

And Hisoka was enjoying it. How the lace and satin sat on her curves, how the fabric just barely protected her modesty. It was such a tease, and he wanted her right now. 

Hisoka approached Katsumi, immediately kissing her, grabbing her in a way as if he didn't want her to leave. 

"Hisoka..." Katsumi breathed out, as Hisoka countinued, placing his lips everywhere he could on her. But then he stopped suddenly, letting go for a moment so he could grab a gift for her. 

"Hmm?" Katsumi questioned as he handed her an elongated slender box. She never asked this man for anything, or ever hinted that she likes anything. But yet, she opened it, and was more then surprised. This man had gifted her a bracelet, adorned with diamonds in a row. 

Hisoka had taken out the bracelet, and clasped it around Katsumi's left wrist. She gazed at it for a moment. As an assassin, she was never gifted such things, she found it useless in a sense. But the feeling she had when she received it, was different. A feeling she couldn't explain, but it made her happy. 

Katsumi had reached for Hisoka, kissing him as a thank you. And she continued, kissing him again and again, till Hisoka got to have his way with her again. 

This magician probably put a tracking device in this bracelet... whatever.

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