Bonus : She's X No X Stranger

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"Mito- san?" Gon had called out in the small house on top of the hill. "Mito- san?" He called out once more.

"Gon?" Killua questioned as he had walked into the front door.

"Killua," Gon acknowledged. "Have you see Mito-san?"

"Hmm?" Killua answered back. "She left a note on the table that her and granny went to see a friend."

And that confused Gon greatly. Mito and granny knew everyone on Whale Island, it wasn't very big after all. That, and Gon knew that Mito never left the island, so there wasn't anyone off the island that they would have known. Well, Gon didn't think so anyways.

"Gon! Where are you going?!" Killua yelled after Gon, him running out the door.

Gon had a feeling at the bottom of his stomach, it was neither good nor bad. It was just a feeling.

Gon had run down the small hill, Killua close behind, and into the small fish market that all boats go to dock.

He had easily spotted Mito and granny, waiting near the dock for someone to deport the ship. There was a lot of people, but none of them stood out.

Until a female had walked towards Mito and granny. She had a saddened expression on her face, like she was unwanted. But Mito and granny were smiling, like a feeling of relief had washed over them.

Then Mito had done something that surprised Gon even more... she opened her arms wide open for the female. The female had stood still for a moment, hesitating at the gesture. But Mito continued with open arms.

"Welcome home, Kagome." Gon had heard Mito say, causing her to drop her things and run into Mito's arms and hold onto her tightly.

Gon continuedly stared at them, unsure of what to think of the situation.  Killua had known there was something about Kagome and Gon. They looked almost alike, and had gotten so easily attached to each other at one point even though they had just met.

"Gon?" Killua questioned as Gon made a small movement towards them.

"Kagome- chan." Gon answered softly, he always wondered why her name always sounded so recognizable to him.

And then he ran off in the direction of the three woman, as they embraced each other so tightly.

"Kagome- chaaann!"

Kagome shot her head up from it's resting place on Mito's shoulder.

"Gon?" Kagome questioned as the small child ran towards them, his green hair being pushed back by the wind, and his large brown eyes swelling up with tears.

"Gon?" Mito and Granny had also said as they hear Gon call out Kagome's name again.

"Kagome- chan!" Gon cried out once more as he launched himself with open arms to Kagome. She simply stepped back a bit away from Mito to catch the young child in her arms. Gon had wrapped his arms tightly around Kagome's waist, refusing to let go as he buried his face into her torso.

"Kagome- chan!" Gon continued to cry out.

"Gon..." Mito had said, wanting to stop the boys actions, only to have granny put a hand in front of her to stop her instead.

"Let them be." Granny said to Mito with a smile, as Mito then understood, and stepped back with a small smile.

"Gon, what are yo-" Kagome began.

"It's you, isn't it?" Gon cried out harder. "The girl in the pictures with Ging."


"You're her, right? You're Kagome nee- chan."

Silence followed as Kagome hesitated to answer. There was no point in hiding anymore, he knew.

"Yeah..." Kagome answers slowly. "I'm the girl in the pictures with Ging. I'm so sor-"

"Welcome home, Kagome nee- chan." Gon grinned happily.

And his smile made Kagome tear up, and hold the boy tightly in her arms as she cried.

"Thank you, Gon."

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