More X Question X Squish

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Escaping this man after sexual intercourse was always hard. Mostly because he was always up for another round... and then another. Does nothing ever satisfy this man?! He was satisfied though... he just wanted more.

Katsumi pretty much just swam away from the sexual tyrant, although he followed along.

"I'm trying to bathe!"

"I'll help you~"


Cause Hisoka really wasn't going to help, he would only continue with his sexual activities. And Katsumi knew that best. But it all went back to her previous question, would Hisoka even consider marrying her? Because a good thing can only last so long, and the moment she is wed to someone else, this weird relationship with the clown would no longer exist.

But a small tug could be felt at end of her foot, and Katsumi could slowly feel her body being pulled back in the water.

Katsumi just blew out bubbles as she sighed under water. She didn't need to use gyo to know this man just attached bungee gum to her foot.

Hisoka reached into the water and embraced Katsumi close to him. It had been a little over two hours that she had been in the water, and she rather not be caught naked. It was to late to say she didn't want wrinkly skin, it was already wrinkly.

"Hisoka, stop." Katsumi tried to wiggle out.

"Come, marry me Katsumi- chan~" Hisoka mentioned again.


"Marry meeee~"

"I said no." -____-

"Will you marry me, Katsumi?"

He asked... damn he asked. Like any normal sane man would do. He asked the one he wished to spend the rest of his life with, to marry him. And damn it, he even used her name, with no cute attachment to the end of it. He even used her name, not in a teasing or daunting way he usually does either.

Now what... ?

Katsumi's face had dropped its defenses, and she was now stuck in thought. Would she really be ok to marry Hisoka?

"I'll think about it." Katsumi mumbled out.

"Hmm?~" Hisoka questioned, his hand just below her breast. He wanted to squish one, at least one, but he probably would ruin the moment.

"I said I'll think about it." Katsumi repeated herself.

With her answer, he squished it. Both in fact.

This fcukin' clown knows how to ruin a moment. -___-

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