Always X Liked X Her

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For every reader that shipped this, here you go Lol

"Katsumi?" Kagome said as she answered the door to her hotel room.

"Hi." Katsumi replied. "You busy?"

"No, just surprised you left your husband to see me." Kagome teased as she let her in.

"Shutup." -3-

The two spoke for a bit, as Kagome asked how life was now, if she would return to the Zoldyck estate after this, if she had any contact with Chrollo. And then Katsumi turned things around, and began her questioning.

"And what about you, do you plan on marrying Phinks?"

Kagome froze a bit at the question, unsure how to answer.

"Marriage... isn't Phink's kind of thing." Kagome explained.

"Because he doesn't believe in marriage, or because marriage isn't an option anymore?" Katsumi continued.

Kagome looked at Katsumi with a slightly saddened look, but she also looked relieved. As if the topic was finally taken off her shoulders, and she could freely express her thoughts.

"How did you find out?" Kagome asked as she smiled a bit.

"The phone charm on Illu-ni's phone." Katsumi explained. "I knew I recognized it. It was yours when we were kids, and you lost it when you got into an argument with aniki. The charm broke when you threw your phone at him."

"Yeah, it broke right off the chain." Kagome laughed a bit. "I didn't know he fixed it and kept it all this time."

"I thought you didn't like aniki anymore, you said he didn't trust you." Katsumi confronted.

"I lied." Kagome explained. "Illumi has always acted different towards me, more distant then he would with anyone else. So I assumed he didn't like me. I thought if I thought negative things, if I was with someone else, then maybe I wouldn't like Illumi anymore."

Katsumi felt bad, she had known when they were younger that Kagome had deep feelings towards Illumi. She thought over time, that maybe her feelings towards him began to simply diminish. Who knew overtime, that Kagome had just decided to bury those feelings, deep within.

"So what happen between you and Phinks?" Katsumi asked.

"Oh what the fcuk! Get this!" Kagome announced. "We got into an argument about you!"

"... excuse me?" Katsumi answered slightly appalled. Wtf?

"Nobunaga decides to tell everyone that you're marrying Hisoka. Of course everyone picked up on the fact that Chrollo was upset with that information, so Phinks made the comment that it was stupid that you're marrying Hisoka." Kagome explained. "I said it was your choice to marry who ever you want, and Phinks said that Hisoka wasn't a good choice though. So we argued, he said I'm clearly against 'the boss', which, who cares? I'm not even part of the troupe! And then! He has the audacity to say that if I'm against Chrollo's happiness, then I'm against him!"

"Uhh..." Was the only sound Katsumi was able to get out.

"So I told him, if that's what he believes, then we obviously aren't meant to be, and I ended things." Kagome finished. "Like who does he think he is? Trying to decide someone else's happiness?"

Katsumi had a slight sweat drop with that explanation, it was the last thing she ever expected them to argue about. But she was happy that Kagome had stood up for her happiness and her choice.

"So I'm assuming Illu-ni then scooped you off your feet and made everything better?" Katsumi threw in.

Kagome lightly laughed.

"Illumi isn't like Hisoka, Katsumi. Hisoka wears his feelings for you like a badge. Illumi is more private."

"Yeah that's very obvious." Katsumi grumbled. "So, you're with aniki?"

"More like talking." Kagome answered with a genuine smile. "He came by a few days ago, literally right after me and Phinks ended things. I didn't want to tell you at the time and take away from your engagement, so I told Illumi what happened. He did his best to comfort me."

"... so you confided in Illu-ni and not me?!" Katsumi blurted out.

"I already told you why I didn't! Stop being dramatic!" Kagome yelled back as she whipped a pillow at her.

Katsumi laughed as she caught the pillow.

"If anything, I'm happy it's you that Illu-ni chose to by his side." Katsumi answered.

"I told you, we're talking, not actually together." Kagome corrected.

"Yes, but you're the only one he's ever acted this way with." Katsumi reminded her, as she headed to the door. "Did you want to come by for dinner?"

Kagome stared for a bit, her words sinking in, before she smiled and shaked her head.

"No, Illumi is passing by."

"Ew..." Katsumi laughed as she left.

Kagome only laughed at Katsumi's reaction, before a knock came to the door.

"Was that Katsumi?" Illumi asked as he stood in the doorway.

"Yeah, she figured it out." Kagome answered as she started getting ready. "Your phone charm gave it away."

Illumi only looked down at the charm, before looking back at Kagome.

"You ready? Grandpa Zeno wants this mission done by tonight."

"Yeah let's go." Kagome replied.

"You coming home tonight?" Illumi asked, now exiting the hotel.

"Why? You planning on spending more time with me?" Kagome teased.

Illumi only gave Kagome a look, as she laughed in return.

I wonder if Kagome ever knew that Illu-ni also had a crush on her...

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