Heaven X Arena X Leave

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"You're going where?!" Kagome exclaimed surprised. "You're actually going to Heaven's Arena with Hisoka?"

"Yes, it's a long story." Katsumi answered plainly, a hand rubbing the back of her head as she felt Illumi's unapproving glare on her.

"And you're ok with this Illumi?" Kagome continued.

"She's free to do whatever she likes." Illumi answered as he began to walk off.

"He's not happy." Katsumi said with a shrug. "Mostly cause it's his acquaintance."

"Kagome, are you coming?" Illumi suddenly called out.

"Coming Illumi!" Kagome yelled back, then gave Katsumi one last smile before following suit.

Kagome and Illumi passed Hisoka as he walked towards Katsumi.

"Don't hurt my sister." Illumi threatened as they walked by.

"Of course, Illu- chan~" Hisoka answered playfully, sending a smirk towards Kagome as a signal he wanted her to piss Illumi off. Kagome just shrugged with a laugh.

"Are you ready Katsumi- chan?~" Hisoka said as he stood before Katsumi, his phone in hand as he began texting someone.

"Yeah." She replied, unsure if she wanted to do this anymore. She honestly rather just be home.

And the plane ride was boring. Hisoka was very physical with Katsumi during the test, but now that they were by themselves, he had kept to himself.

"We're landing soon~" Hisoka commented, but Katsumi didn't bothering in answering or acknowledging.

And it remained that way for the rest of the day... and week... and week after that.

The chemistry the two had had during the exam, seemed to no longer exist. Katsumi had pondered the idea of leaving, but Kagome had said she was coming soon for a match she had prepared since before the exam. So she stayed with Hisoka.

However, she eventually left as she had walked in on Hisoka with another female.

"Ah!" The female yelled as she didn't expect Katsumi to walk into the room. Katsumi only gave a confused look as Hisoka layed in the bed naked, the unknown female now covering herself with a blanket.

"Don't worry, she's my roommate~" Hisoka said as he pulled the female down towards him in an embrace.

Katsumi stared dangerously at Hisoka before moving towards the washroom.

"I'm going to shower." Katsumi nonchalantly said as she closed the door behind her.

She began to strip her clothes as she was sure Hisoka had continued whatever activity him and his female companion had started.

Katsumi turned on the shower, waiting for the water to heat up as she pulled out her phone and texted someone. Her text was simple, it was Hisoka's name simply crossed out.

I wonder where Kagome's room is? These 2 are so loud, I doubt I'll be able to sleep with them making so much noise.

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