Meeting X Father X Questions

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By the next day, Hisoka had already returned to the hide out, while Katsumi had gotten ready to meet Kagome for a job.

She wanted to meet up with Kagome last night, but Hisoka had other plans. And had made it his duty to inform Kagome of the change of plans, which she agreed too, and had even stayed the night with Katsumi. Even though she was against it.

"Silva and Zeno will be there as well." Kagome commented.

"And how do you know that?" Katsumi questioned, how did she always know what each Zoldyck was doing?

"Illumi told me."

"You communicate a lot more with Aniki then I do." -_____-

"Cause you choose not too." Kagome shrugged. "And then Zeno confirmed it with me last night."

"You talk more to my grandfather more then I do too."

"Cause you choose not too." Kagome shrugged once more.

"You make me sound like a horrible grandchild." Katsumi shot back.

"That's cause you are." 

"Ah, makes sense."

The two females had walked into the secluded room, a room full of high and dangerous auras.

"They make themselves obvious on their intent." Katsumi mumbled.

"Shut up, don't cause trouble." Kagome warned, as she led the way into the room.

And soon after, Silva and Zeno had followed into the room as well.

Zeno had sat down while Silva stood behind him, Katsumi and Kagome standing on either side of Silva.

"Illumi has informed me of your dealings." Silva had said in a low voice.

"Has he now?" Katsumi answered unsurprised. "And what are your thoughts?"

"That it be good for you." Silva answered plainly.

"You want me to change my last name that badly?"

Silva let out a small chuckle at Katsumi's question.

"Whoever said for you to change your last name?" Silva questioned back, causing Katsumi to shoot him a peculiar look.

"You are the only daughter born with the Zoldyck name, my only daughter. Whether you change your last name or not, you're still a Zoldyck." Silva explained. "Do you want to change your last name?"

"No." Katsumi answered truthfully. She fought hard to prove herself fitting of her own last name, she wouldn't allow herself to just throw it away like that.

Silva only smiled at his child's answer.

"Illumi has said you have found a suitor." Silva continued.

"He's only a possibility." Katsumi answered, she wasn't going to lie to her father about her current endeavors... even though she's been lying to herself the entire time.

"Is he strong?"


"And his nen ability?"

"Powerful. The extents of it are beyond my knowledge."

"Is he part of the Phantom Troupe?"

Silva's last question has caught her off guard, but she knew she could never lie to her father.

"No, he's not." Katsumi answered truthfully.

"Good." Was all Silva said as he then placed a hand on his child's head, showing his endearment for her.

Father... we're in front of people!

Suitor [Hisoka X OC]Where stories live. Discover now