Fight X Fight X Fight

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"Put some fcukin' clothes on!" Katsumi yelled at Hisoka, him still standing in the river.

She turned back to face Killua, and he was still starring daggers into her, while Gon was straight faced and a little confused on the situation.

There two other friends just stared in disbelief... what did they get themselves into?

"You married him?!" Killua screamed.

"No!" Katsumi screamed back.

"Yeah, they're engaged Killua, not married." Gon corrected.

"You agreed to marry him!" Killua continued.

"I said I would think about it !"

"That pretty much a 'yes' in your books! You just don't want to answer!"

"It is not!"

At that moment, while the siblings were arguing, Hisoka has already exited the river to change, but not before stopping to give Katsumi a kiss.

While Gon blushed at the sight of such an intimate moment between Hisoka and Katsumi, Killua was simply distraught. His sister does have an intimate relationship with Hisoka!

"If that isn't proof enough!" Killua screamed.

"Proof of nothing!" Katsumi screamed back. "I can have a relationship with whoever I want."

"And you chose Hisoka to marry!"

By this point, Killua and Katsumi were gritting teeth at each other.

"I hope Illumi finds out." Killua said as he crossed his arms, all his siblings knew how protective of Katsumi he was. All the Zoldyck children were protective of her because she's the only female.

"Nice try kid, Illumi approves of my relationship." Katsumi answered, causing Killua's eyes to widen. "And so does Kagome, mom, dad, and probably grandpa Zeno."

Killua continued to stare with wide eyes.

"So you two are in a relationship!"

"Killua, why are you even here?!"

"Oh, we're looking for Chrollo." Gon butted in.


Hisoka was changing behind me the entire time wasn't he...

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