Chrollo X Beginning X Now

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Katsumi was around the age of fifteen at the time, she had met the troupe along with Kagome. A member had hired Kagome for work, but had requested a second assassin, preferably of Zoldyck blood, to also accompany for they didn't believe Kagome's work would be too par. Kagome took it as an insult, but the client had apologized afterwards for her good work, and even payed her double.

Katsumi watched curiously, the so called client had pink cheeks while he spoke to Kagome. She would even tease her poor client and laugh, and he would get embarrassed and stumble his words as he tried to yell at her. Perhaps Kagome's client liked her... if that was the case, then Aniki better hurry and make a move on Kagome. But Katsumi highly doubted he would, she was sure Illumi had some affectionate feelings towards Kagome, or he would have never accepted her into the family.

It was in this place, that Katsumi noticed a man dressed in black, his hair was down, a bit over his grey eyes, and he had a gentle expression as he read his book. Katsumi stared at him for a bit, trying to get some kind of read of the stranger, but she didn't get much.

Over the next few months, Kagome and Katsumi had visited the client that Kagome had worked for on multiple occasions.  They had found out that they were a group of thieves, but they didn't have room to judge, they were assassins. Katsumi had become close to a large man, who had unruly grey hair, and whose outfit was just as unruly. She was so much smaller than him that he purposely called her a 'runt'. It was from him that she learned who the male in dark clothing was.

"You seem to be attracted to our Boss." The large male lightly laughed.

"Wha-!" Katsumi almost yelped. Had she been caught? "How do you even know that Uvo-chan?"

"I didn't." Uvo laughed. "But you've been staring at him since you arrived."

"I'm simply curious about him." Katsumi lied through tinted cheeks.

"Really?" Uvo continued on, smiling as if he had just heard some juicy gossip. Which he technically did, someone had a crush on his boss.

"Stop asking me stupid questions."

Uvo laughed as he picked Katsumi up by the back of her shirt, and lightly planted her in front of the man she had been watching.

"Hey Boss, the runt looks like she has a crush on you." Uvo introduced.

"WHA THE..." Katsumi yelled as she shot a look at Uvo.

"Hmm, does she?" The young male answered as he looked up from his book. He stared at an even younger female before him, she had a small frame, and she herself was dressed in black. She did look a bit like a child almost, but she was much more mature for her age. "Well it's very nice to meet you, you can call me Chrollo."

From there, for the next few years, when Katsumi would see Chrollo, they always spoke with one another. Not as much as Uvo and Katsumi talked though. Katsumi's infatuation for Chrollo had started from their first conversation, she enjoyed those who were strong, who were powerful. Her parents had always drilled it into her head that she should marry someone one day who was powerful, one who, if need be, would kill her if necessary. It was such a strange thing to lecture their daughter in, but Silva simply didn't wish to marry his daughter to just anyone. If he had a choice, he would wish to not let anyone wed her.

But as those years passed, Katsumi had noticed her feelings was simply one sided, and that Chrollo would never return such feelings for her. He simply saw her as a child. When they spoke, it was simply her talking while he read his book, as if humouring the poor girl as they spoke. He would never give her a second glance, and he never seemed bothered when she left. As Katsumi was growing older, she had picked up on such things, and had decided her pursuit of Chrollo was to no longer be continued. He would never return those same feelings.

The years would pass again and Katsumi hadn't seen Chrollo, neither would she ever hear from him. But then he just had to hire a Zoldyck for a simple job. Silva wasn't happy when the name came up, and he definitely wasn't happy he had to send his only daughter. If he could, he would have just declined the offer, but it was easy money.

Katsumi went to meet with Chrollo, she wasn't happy to say the least. It was her own fault as a child that she allowed herself to be infatuated with Chrollo, and it was her own fault that she had caught feelings that he wouldn't return the same feelings she had. But she was older now, twenty two to be exact, and she was getting tired of Illumi preaching on her that she should find a husband. But there was no way it was going to be Chrollo, she didn't think her dad would even allow it.

"Katsumi?" A male voice called out to her gently. They were in a secluded area on top of a building.

Katsumi turned around to see Chrollo standing behind her.

"So they've sent a beauty such as yourself to do such a simple job." Chrollo commented. He hadn't seen Katsumi in a few years, she did grow to become such a beauty. If he had known that she would grow up to be such, maybe he would have indulged in her feelings for him when they were younger.

"I dont appreciate small talk." Katsumi went straight to business. "Please explain your job, and we'll discuss payment."

"Very well." Chrollo gently smiled. Eventually, he'll find a way to see her again. And he did, purposely picking her to do small jobs for him for large pay. Katsumi had picked up on how Chrollo treated her, how he was suddenly infatuated with her, but she no longer felt the same. Chrollo was strong, but he wanted Katsumi more as a trophy wife, one to accompany him whenever him and Troupe weren't doing jobs. He didn't want her to do anything really, but to sit there so he could admire her, so he could have her when he wanted. But Katsumi was no trophy, she was a Zoldyck assassin.

Who knew months after that, that Katsumi who be introduced to a magician, one who was powerful and strong. One who wanted to show her off to the world, one who kept her on her toes and challenged her skills, not just in bed. One who began to do anything for her, fall in love with her, and she with him.

"Katsumi, could you stay for a bit?" Chrollo asked as Hisoka and her had just returned to the real world with the nen exorcist. In all honesty, she didn't want to stay. She wanted to bathe and wash her hair, and bed the magician who was eyeing her from behind.

"May I ask why?" Katsumi questioned.

"Just to speak." Chrollo continued.

"I do hate idle chit chat, you know this Chrollo." Katsumi sighed. "Please, whatever it is you would like to speak about, say it now."

"I wanted to ask if you would like to accompany me as a date again." Chrollo asked, earning a quick disapproving look from Hisoka. Chrollo gave Hisoka an uninterested look in return, he wasn't happy Katsumi had spent all this time with Hisoka. When did they even meet?

"I'm currently unavailable for any of your so called 'dates' Chrollo, until further notice." Katsumi recited in return, as she turned to walk away, Hisoka smiling as he followed. He purposely placed his hand on Katsumi's waist, and Chrollo didn't fail to notice this. And he definitely noticed Hisoka drop his hand down slightly, allowing his hand to brush pass Katsumi's bum. Chrollo became irritated, what was Hisoka's relationship to her? They couldn't be more then just acquaintances, and he was sure he had known Katsumi for way longer then Hisoka. So why was she allowing him to touch and grab her like this?

Chrollo's irritation shot through the roof as Hisoka turn his head slightly and gave him a victorious looking smirk.

What the fcuk is he doing looking back at Chrollo?

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