Katsumi X Killua X Before

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To: @amronpal

Thank you for commenting in wanting to see more bonding time between Katsumi and Killua <3

The one and only Zoldyck daughter was not known to be kind. In fact, she actually kept to herself a lot, or was mainly with Illumi because of their closeness in age. In fact, if you were to ask her as a child who her favourite person was, she would tell you: "Illu-ni". Ask her that now, and she'll probably say no one. Not because she actually doesn't like anyone, but because that quiet demeanour of hers, no longer exist.


"Hmm?" She answered without much thought.

"Why do you think dad paired us together?" A young Killua asked. He was following his sister on a job that was entrusted to both of them.

"Do you prefer to work with Illu-ni then with me?"

"That's not what I'm saying Anego. Usually dad pairs me with Illu-ni, how come he decided not to this time?"

"Maybe cause he doesn't trust me to do work on my own."

Killua gave his older sister a look. Born and raised an assassin, he became the chosen one of the family. They were both considered to be highly skilled assassins, yet his sister was looked down upon constantly. She was expected to fulfill everything that was asked of her without hesitation and with 100% accuracy. She wasn't allowed any failure. I mean none of them weren't allowed to fail... but it was her that it was preached on the most.

"Maybe dad thinks you're weak." Killua continued, he was trying to get on his sisters bad side on purpose, trying to pick a fight with her.

"Hmm, that's a possibility." She answered. Killua simply pouted, he never got into fights with his sister, she was so passive when it came to her siblings. Although they didn't really communicate with her.

They weren't exactly close, not like Killua was close to his siblings anyways. Probably the only one he was close to was Alluka, but that could be because of their closeness in age as well. Killua always believed he wasn't allowed to see Katsumi because he was always told she was busy by others, it got to a point where he stopped trying to see her.

It was also maybe not a good idea to put Killua and Katsumi on a mission together. Cause the chances of them making a mistake was 1 out of 50,000 chances, it barely or never happened. Except today.

Without signal, Killua had approached the target at the wrong time and had been caught by the eyes of another. Yes the target was killed, but an unknown person was able to snap a picture (although blurry...) of the young assassin. Without hesitation, Katsumi had taken their life, one that didn't bring in  any money.

Of course the family had found out, and Killua was afraid to admit he had made a mistake. Torture was the main disciplinary action for the Zoldyck family, and as immune as they were to torture, it was still annoying and it still hurt to a certain degree.

"It's my fault, I gave Killua the 'okay' to move forward." Katsumi admitted.

"Katsumi." Zeno had answered as he shook his head, he was disappointed.

"I rushed the mission to come back early, and sent Killua in without thinking things fully through."

"Katsumi, this is basic training. You know better then this." Silva declared.

"I know." She answered back plainly.

"Illumi will take care of your punishment."  Silva had waved off, he was annoyed about speaking on the matter.

"Of course."

Killua watched Illumi take Katsumi away, he knew Illumi didn't go easy on disciplining her, that's just the way he was taught. And Killua couldn't bring up the courage to tell the truth, especially after his dad grandfather praised him for the mission.

"Why did you do that?" Killua asked Katsumi, she had bruises and cuts all over her as he had caught her walking back to her room. She had said she was going to get cleaned up for dinner.

"Do what?" Katsumi questioned as she let her younger brother into her room.

"Why did you lie to dad and grandpa Zeno about what happened?"

"Huh?" She continued to question, cleaning herself up in the washroom. "Do you remember the mission going differently?"

"Obviously! Aneg-"

"Do you remember the mission going differently?" Katsumi asked again, her face giving a saddened look. If Killua admits that Katsumi had lied, they would both be disciplined. Killua for failing, and Katsumi for lying and for not watching Killua as promised.

Katsumi was born as the only female in the Zoldyck clan, so she is preached upon more than her other siblings. Failure isn't an option, not for any Zoldyck, but for Katsumi, the definition should never exist.

"You're right..." Killua admitted as he hugged his sister from behind. She simply turned to look at him, his sniffling indicating another action that a Zoldyck shouldn't be doing. "You screwed up."

"I did, didn't I." Katsumi softly laughed.

From that day on, Killua promised himself he would always protect his big sister from anyone.

"Killua, what are you mumbling?" Gon asked as him and Biscuit gave him a weird look.

He was mumbling about how Hisoka should stop grabbing his sister like that, but he wasn't going to tell them. They'll just tell him he's being to overprotective.

Katsumi looked back at Killua, he had an annoyed look on while he stared off in a different direction, all while mumbling something under his breath. She smiled.

He's always so overprotective.

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