Wife X Election X News

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Yeah, last chapters vow about agreeing to Hisoka's antics, was a complete lie.

There was no way that Katsumi was going to go through with all of Hisoka's ideas.

"Can you not wait till we're in the room?!" Katsumi yelled in the elevator. Since the ceremony ended, Hisoka wasted no time in trying to get his hands on his wife. And there he was, his hands under Katsumi's dress while the elevator girl kept her back to them. Poor elevator girl.

"But Katsumi- chan, we're married~" Hisoka replied, flashing the wedding ring on his finger as he did.

"That doesn't matter." Katsumi gritted out, grabbing Hisoka's arms to stop him.

But that wasn't going to stop him. Especially when he caught Katsumi off guard with what he whispered in her ear.

"I love you too, Katsumi."

Katsumi turned completely red, and ran off the elevator the next moment she got, pulling Hisoka with her.

"Wait! This is the wrong floor!" The elevator girl called out. But the newly wedded couple just continued. Well, Katsumi continued to pull Hisoka since she was to embarrassed by this point. 

The days after the wedding were no different then what Katsumi had experienced before while in Hisoka's company. The only difference, was that Hisoka relished in the fact that Katsumi was his wife. Not just in title, but legally his wife. 

But it wasn't just that. Katsumi was no longer receiving any information from the Zoldyck's who went on a mission. She hadn't heard from her brother, her father, or her grandfather. She could ask her other siblings or even mother, but knowing them, they would just tell her she's doubting the Zoldyck bloodline. -____- 

As a distraction, Hisoka insisted they go to the Hunter Chairman Election. Katsumi saw no need to go, but Hisoka had hinted he was looking for someone. 

Arriving there, Katsumi had placed a vote for a name she recognized. Well, she only recognized the last name, she didn't even know the person. 

"Did you go and vote for my old man?" A familiar female voice questioned. 

Katsumi quickly turned around as she eyed Kagome, who simply grinned. 

"Didn't know he was your old man." Katsumi answered. 

"We have the same last name." Kagome retaliated. 

"Many people can have the same last name, but not be related." 

"Don't fcukin' start with me." Kagome answered, the grin on her face gone. 

Silence followed and Katsumi felt there was something wrong. Kagome was never usually like this. She liked to have the last say, even if they were joking around. She always had a comeback. But her reply made her sound irritable and upset, even though the conversation was a light joke. 

"What happen?" Katsumi suddenly asked. 

"What do you mean?" Kagome questioned, making it obvious there was a problem. 

"Don't lie to me." Katsumi threatened. "What happened?" 

Silence followed again as Kagome thought of the right words to say. 

"It's Gon." Kagome choked out. "And Killua." 

"What...?" Katsumi's replied, just above a whisper. 

What happened while I was away... ?

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