History Repeats Itself

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Lol guys so it's been a while but yesterday I was thinking about Cross cuz I was listening to She Knows by J.Cole because I was writing and I was imagining that my character got a text from an ex and I was like how would it feel if someone like cross texted me...

Then I'm in the car and I get a vibration from my phone. Cross' name flashes on my phone and I now know exactly how my character would feel. Literally pissing, shitting, throwing up, shaking- ok maybe not literally but you get it. So basically he texts me and says he needed to tell me something. This is what he said.

This is gonna sound stupid but I've been reflecting on a lot of things lately, one of the more common themes of my regrets involved you. I started to replay every moment I spent with you, recollecting the decisions I made, and the one's I didn't. I ultimately came to the conclusion that I needed to apologize. I'm sorry that I didn't realize your feelings at the time, and I feel even more sorry, not just towards you, but towards myself, that I was never vocal about my own feelings. You're genuinely the sweetest girl i've ever met, and you never deserved the heartbreak I caused. If I had the opportunity to go back in time to chem class and tell you how I felt, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I know this probably doesn't mean anything to you now, but I just needed to lift this burden off my chest. You don't have to say anything back if you don't want to. I'd understand

I- hmmmm..... so I waited about 5 mins to answer him back and I said

I appreciate the apology, [Cross]. I don't hate you or have anything negative against you. I don't blame you for not realizing my feelings for you because I never make try to make it obvious. In all honesty, I never thought you'd like me back because I thought you weren't "obtainable." I feel like people come into your life for a reason- to stay or leave and teach you a lesson and I know why you came into mine. I'm glad you got this off of your chest and I genuinely wish you the best.

It's been an hour (it's  4:30pm rn) and I'm still on delivered. Remember how the whole problem with Cross was that he'd leave me on delivered. History does have a way of repeating itself I guess. He messages me first, I respond under 10 mins, and he leaves me on delivered for 10 hours 😍

Glad we ended on a somewhat good note. Though the long wait for him to open the message is a strong reminder to

Never invest time in people who won't invest in you. If he wanted to talk to me he would make the effort.

Oh and your mind is so powerful!

Hopefully this is the last update but you know I'll update you guys if anything happens 🫠

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