Day 40

31 1 0


Ok so I get into class and I see a group of boys with Cross all talking about my teacher's dance and then our sub was like "boys why are you on your phone?" And one guy (let's call him Hoodie) says "we're allowed to be on our phones. The bell hasn't run yet" and the subs like "Ok" so when the bell rings and Hoodie goes to charge his phone and the sub told him to get away from his phone and Hoodie kept saying he was just charging it. Then the sub snaps at him and tells him to get outside and all of us are shook. Then the sub says that's he doesn't want to deal with our problems and that he didn't get much sleep last night due to Kobe's death and how one of his daughters was very upset about it. "People are dying everyday! I haven't seen my daughter in 20 years! Do you really think I have time to deal with stupid boys?! I'm not your therapist or your counselor so I don't have time to deal with you all. So just do the work on the board and then go on your phones. I don't care" is what he said and then he saw Cross and I looked at him and he had his mouth open in shock and was kinda smiling and so the sub says "you think this is funny? Why are you smiling?" And Cross says "I wasn't smiling sir" and the sub stares him down saying "yes you were. None of this is funny. You're not cute." And in my mind I went "well....🤔" and then Cross tried to say something and he either to Cross to shut up or be quiet but none the less it's the same thing.

Nothing happened after that because I was too scared to look around the class.

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