Day 19

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Cross was absent AGAIN😭
Mouse and I worked on the study guide and everytime I explained something to him he'd stare into my eyes.
We talked about Stuart Little and how I've never seen it and so I watched a couple minutes of it and told him Stuart was an ugly CGI mouse (that's why I call him Mouse)

During passing period to my 6th class I was walking down the stairs and I felt a push on my back and it was Mouse! He tried killing me!!!! I did get scared so now I owe him the pack of gum. I tried asking him what time his soccer game was today but he kept giving me stupid answers like "12 am" or "during 6th period" so I asked my friend on the JV team (they're both on JV) and it was at 5pm.

I went to his soccer game and (obviously) saw him play and he put a neon pink pinny on his head and it looked like he had underwear on his head 😅😂. They tied 1-1 but he was frustrated at the end.
I had brought the pack of gum to the game just in case he saw me but I never went up to him so I had to carry it with me the whole time😂.


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