Day 51

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So at 6:23 am he replied with "LMAO". Ur kidding. He woke me up two minutes before my alarm went off just to say LMAO...😒.

In chem I got into class and we had to work on an individual power plant project so when I got to my desk and Cross and I just looked at each other and smirked because we were thinking about yesterday. I was softly scolding Cross about the two minutes of sleep I lost and he said "you didn't need the two minutes" and I said "yes I did." Maybe he's trying to compliment me saying that I look good with or without the extra two minutes but the bags/dark circles under my eyes say otherwise.

As he was signing into his computer he kept saying "now I know" all mysteriously and so I turned to him and I asked "you know what? Where I live?" And he nodded and so I asked "wait you know my exact address?" And he said no and I said "oh ok stalker" and he turned to me and said "I only know what street you live on" and I couldn't really explain what I said after that because I was flustered.

We had to go to our lab tables to present to our group about our power plant that we chose (mine was coal-fired power plants and his was some power plant on the coats) and my teacher was calling names of the people who should start first and when she pointed at me she was blanking on my name so the class was silent for a bit until she said my name and everyone laughed. Cross hadn't finished his mini poster yet so while I was presenting, he was working on it. I finished a bit early because when I'm nervous I talk really fast and well...Cross makes me really nervous.
(Talk fast, romance
Won't last I'm ok with that😉iykyk)

Our teacher came over to our table and asked us if we had any questions and we all shook our heads no and then she asked Cross what he learned/ what he wrote down (we had to take notes on the person presenting- which he didn't do) and he pauses and I am trying really hard to not smile at him but he just kept going "uhhhh" and I giggled. He started making up some random facts and the teacher just says "it's ok," laughs and walks away. SNACK.

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