Day 68

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Cross wasn't in class when I got there and I was confused because I saw him at nutrition so I sat down to do my warmup and then I see him walk through the door. He sits down and he turns to tell me that he left his binder in his algebra 2 class and he seemed pretty stressed out. Same. He even forgot how to convert grams to moles which was weird because he was considered a god for solving those.
He told me there are over hundreds of nerves in the body and I said "yeah I know you told me this already. You said I get in every single one of yours" and he said " feels like I have billions of nerves though" and we laugh.

Anyways, we get to the lab table and our teacher said that she was collecting our lab worksheet when the bell rang (she never did because we're all so terrible at the topic we're learning right now) and Cross and I were stuck on this one problem and I thought I was doing it all right until our teacher comes over and asks us how we're doing and him and I just look at each other like "😐" and then I explain to her what I'm doing and she just looks at me but I hate when teachers talk to me because they make me feel like I'm wrong (I also have this thing called ANTS which stands for Automatic Negative Thoughts Syndrome so it necessarily doesn't even have to be a teacher to make me feel like I'm wrong) and she stared at both Cross and I and that's when I knew I was completely wrong and oh god it was so embarrassing and I started turning red and ahhhh!!!! She asked us in a frustrated tone "why don't you guys ask for help?!" And I honestly felt like crying. I felt like she was just mainly targeting me even though I know in the back of my head that that's not the case but again Automatic Negative Thoughts come first and overpower all the posi vibes 🙄.

We really be struggling and wow

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