Day 70

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Cross did the warmup wrong because he didn't cross multiply (hehe) and he called the teacher over and she said that his way is not entirely wrong and he's like "can you say that again?" And looked over at me and smiled. She also said that his answer was wrong so I looked at him and said "can you say that again?" After she left he told me to shut up and I told him "no I won't shut up" and he smirked.

So the school district decided to cancel all open houses due to the corona virus and all that stuff and they don't wanna get infected and what not. And so when our teacher us that Open House was canceled Cross turned quickly to look at me.

We got to work on our study guide and Cross asked me to "race" him and I said no because I knew he was going to finish it before me (even though it's four pages) and he said "fine. We'll compare answers" so he wants to challenge me 😂😅ahhhh!

He was saying that if our school got shut down it would be because I have the corona virus because I "don't wash my hands" 🙄. He said this because my hands aren't as soft as his!! What the heck!!!

I stole his pencil because his pencil had an eraser and his pencil that he gave me doesn't and he said "I have feeling ya know. You could've asked." And I shrugged and said that I have feelings too.

So I texted him yesterday and he brought it up and he said that he thought I saw him in his underwear because he went outside in just his underwear to take out the trash cans 😂

Our constantly asked us if we were doing our work which was so dumb because every time she'd ask us that question we were actually talking about the questions on the study guide 🙄. Ma'am please stop.

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