Day 60

22 1 0


I get into class and I don't say anything to Cross until I see that he was constantly looking over at me so I looked at him and called him a stalker and he says "you're funny" in a sarcastic tone and so I thanked him.

We had a warmup problem and we had to find the volume of something and Cross asked me what I got and I said 466 and he grinned and said "you might wanna check again" so I probably started blushing from embarrassment and so I erased everything on my paper and started over but I thought I was correct and then our teacher went over the problem and guess who was correct? Me! She got 466 and Cross immediately raised his hand but the teacher didn't call on him so he started doing the calculations all over again and was like "what?! No?!  That's all wrong?!?" He was upsetti spaghetti.

Later we took notes and he kept talking to me during the lesson and whenever I would try to respond to him he'd put his finger over his mouth and go "shhh."

He did this multiple times and finally I told him "you're the one talking so you shhh" and he said "now you just talked" and I went back with "now you just talked" and he said the same thing back to me and so I moved my hands to point and him and make the number two in order to show that he talked too and he did the same thing right back 🙄☺️.

He talks to me again later and the teachers asks us to talk in our group and I said that I didn't even know the question because Cross was talking to me and he said "don't worry about it. I got you"
Somewhere in between this conversation he called me mentally that🙄😍.

He said my favorite person in the class wants here (meaning ex crush) and I poured and drew a fake tear coming down my face with my index finger

We got our test back and I said I got a 20/22 and he's like "wow ok I probably got better because I'm so good" and he gets his test back and looks at it in shock and puts his paper down and he slowly lifts it up so I thought he got worse than me so I kept calling him a liar when he kept saying he got 23/22.

I got home and told him to check his grades online and he sent me a video and he indeed got 23/22 and now I feel kinda bad and I'm also mad because I hate being wrong.

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