Day 59

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Ahhh!!!! Best day ever!!!!

We get into class and we have a sub and all we were supposed to do was complete and worksheet due at the end of the period. Did I? No. Who kept distracting me? Cross.

At the beginning of class Cross was sitting at a lab table so he wasn't next to me but then our sub said that we can move around and so my friend sat in Cross' desk and then I almost started crying because I'm very dramatic and upset that he wasn't sitting with me but then he grabbed his things and walked over to me and asked if he could sit in the seat in front of me and my friend said yes while I said no and continued talking to my friend. Cross sat down anyways and he asked me how many street we live apart from each other and I said "2 I think" and he coughed and said "stalker" and my mouth taped open and I said "well you're the one who wanted to know how far we lived away from each other. Now you're probably gonna try and find my address." I then went on babbling about how much of a stalker he is and how he first tried finding my tik tok account, then he finds the street I live on and now he's gonna find my address and then he's going to go into my house, punch me in the face, I'm going to fall and hit my head on something and then I'll die.

Cross's mouth was opened in shock and could not believe what I was saying and he tried defending himself but I wouldn't let him speak and so I moved a seat away from him and he asked me if I actually was scared of him and I said no. Like he actually thought that I was thinking that he's hurt me?? 🙂🙃.

My friend was asking for help on the worksheet and so I helped her and then Cross said something and my friend agreed and I subconsciously started nodded my head even though I didn't even know what they were talking about and Cross says "I was actually just talking to [my friend] so you're not in this conversation" and I looked up started internally freaking out haha.

My friend said that she didn't like what we were learning in chemistry and I said that it's actually biochemistry and Cross thanked me "thank you for that unimportant information" and I said "you're welcome." Later he said "hey you" and I looked up at him and he said "well you know how you gave us a useless fact?" And I nodded my head. "Well do you want me to give you some useless information? This ones about anatomy" And I said sure. And he says "there's more than one hundred million nerves in your body and you get one every single one of mine" and I cheekily smiled and said "that's...that's adorable" and grinned.

He kept giving me these looks as if he wants to say something but he doesn't so I constantly would say "stop looking at me like that" or "don't look at me!!" And he'd put his hands up and say "I'm not doing anything! What am I doing?!" And I told him "you're making a face as if I said something stupid! So change your face or something!" And he sort of pouted and joked around saying "wow thank you so much for hurting my feelings"

We talked about our freshman year for a bit and I brought up the fact that some guys from the football team used to throw almonds at my friends and I at lunch and I asked if he was in that group and he said "oh yeah that's what we usually do. That was funny" ummm feelings:hurt. But it's in the past ig. I'm not hurt by it.

The bell rang and I still hadn't finished the worksheet that was due and so Cross has already packed up and was going out the door and he said bye to us. My friend noticed that he forgot his phone that was charging on the stool next to me so I grabbed both his charger and phone and started walking towards the door when he came back for it and he said "you didn't need to do that" and I quickly turned around and said "fine I guess I'll just put it back" and he grabs my left arm and turns me around (I'm crying happy tears rn) and I swap the phone from my left hand to my right and I get scared so I'm staring at his chest (which is eye level to me) and he put his hand on my hand which has his phone in it and my friend is saying something but I'm focused on just Cross and Cross only. He had his hand on mine for a really long time and then he walks towards the door and my friend and I went to get our backpacks from our desk and my friend says "wow your not gonna say bye to us" and Cross is only looking at me and waved goodbye.


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