Thanks YouTube???

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Today (Sunday, November 10) I was scrolling through my YouTube recommendations and I saw this video titled "Boys All Over You & Attract Your Crush Forced Subliminal" And I was like "wtf does that even mean?" So I clicked on it and this song started playing with a video of a girl and a Finn Wolfhard look alike who were kissing, dancing, and having fun. I was extremely confused so I was examining the comments and so many of them were like "IT WORKS" "MY CRUSH IS IN LOVE WITH ME!!!" "HE LOOKED AT ME TODAY!!" And then I realized that this video is supposed to make your crush "fall in love" with you and to attract boys. Ok. After looking at the commentsI realized that in order for this to work I need to drink a lot of water, listen to the video for 30-60 minutes a day, and have hope and to be honest, I'm kind of doubting that this would work but I need to have posi vibes only for it to work✌️😙.

So I think that two guys in my chemistry class are cute so I will be updating you on them. One is a junior and we're going to call him "Cross" and the other is a sophomore and we'll call him "Sleepy." I'm not fully sure that I like Sleepy because he does talk to me and I feel like I just like the attention I get from him and I think Cross is pretty cute and is very smart but he's leaving to go to honors chemistry next semester so he won't be in the class anymore so I have 5 weeks left with him.

Anyways I will keep listening to this song till I go to bed and will also be updating on my WeHeartIt too so make sure to check that out!!

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