Day 45

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So we did a lab today in chem and I think my lab seat is permanently next to Cross which is great! Except he knows everything and moves too fast and I'm there like 😧. Our teacher then told us that she didn't want Cross and I doing the lab since the other two people done do anything but the whole time Cross and I had to tell them what to do. We talked about the halftime show for the super bowl and he was talking about Shakira doing that tribal cry thing. I asked him if Charlie "D Smellio" was dancing at the halftime show and he laughed at how I pronounced her name but he said no and then I asked about her "OK boomer" commercial and he said it didn't come up.

The guy in our group was going to fill up a graduated cylinder and it was tilted towards Cross so when he turned on the faucet, it the water splashed all over Cross and he just sat there in his stool.
It was a vibe in that class. ✌️😎

Later at night I decided to text Cross because I had gotten a 5/10 on an assignment and so I texted Cross to see what he got and he said that he'll check and he took a while to tell me so I joked around saying "I'm assuming you got a 10/10?" And he said "ur so funny" and I said "awww thank you😁" and guess what he replies with. "Np 😉" WINKY FACE?!?! WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!

He asked me why he wanted to know why I asked him the question and I said that perhaps I had gotten a 5/10 and he says "love that😍" we text for a little while after that and then he leaves me on delivered for about 30 minutes so I sent him this:

He asked me why he wanted to know why I asked him the question and I said that perhaps I had gotten a 5/10 and he says "love that😍" we text for a little while after that and then he leaves me on delivered for about 30 minutes so I sent him this:

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And then he says "I'm sorry!🥺" and I told him that I don't think that I can forgive him and he just sends a 🥺.

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