Day 8

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I didn't go to school today because people were posting on social media that this group of people were going to shoot up our school today or tomorrow which is so scary! I chose to stay home and many more students did the same. My parents had received emails from our principal and super intendant saying it's all fake but I don't trust them. They just want students to go to school so they can get paid. It's sad but our administration doesn't care if the school gets shot up and students are killed. They only care if they get paid.Tomorrow there was supposed to be a fire drill which is the absolute WORST thing that could happen tomorrow when a rumored shooting can occur. Think about it, the whole school meets up on the baseball field for about an hour or so and it takes us a long time to get out of two exit places. It would be the perfect opportunity for those shooters to whip out their guns and open fire into the crowd of students and faculty. Someone from the staff must have more than two brain cells so they canceled the fire drill.

I Love You All,

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