Day 12

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Cross was in chemistry today and we did a new lab  so I didn't really get to communicate with him 😔. I had a plan today which was to offer everyone who sits around me a starburst of their choice since I had four so it'd be one for my friend, one for the guy who sits next to me, Cross, and me but the guy next to me wasn't here and our teachers rushed us to our lab tables so my plan was ruined. Maybe this had to do with the fact that I didn't listen to any subs today? 

Anyways, it was a short lab so when my team was finished (my former crush wasn't in class today so my prayers were answered. Old crush wouldn't be in class and new crush-Cross-would be) I walked over to my friend's lab team (which has Cross in it) and talked to her about the lab and I was telling her about our reaction (potassium carbonate mixed with sugar and added heat to it) and Cross was near but he was on his phone maybe texting someone and not listening to what I was saying. I did find myself starring at him constantly during this lab which I never really do and I hope he didn't notice.


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