Day 52

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Ok so my teacher was jogging behind us and if she passes us then we fail.  And since we have an assembly it was period 2 and then period 3 and my teacher was jogging behind me and she asked why I wasn't running so I said that I wasn't running because I don't wanna be sweaty because I gotta look cute and she goes "why because there's a cute boy in your next class?" And I said "yes and he sits right next to me" And so she stops and says "so tell me about this boy" and I tell her "he's 6 feet. Plays football, he's really smart" and she's nodding her head and asks for his name and I tell her and then she asked me if he slid into my dms and I say "uhhh" and she says "oh my gosh he did!!" And I'm turning red and then she asks me if he's a good boy (is he a dog??) and I say yes and then she asks me if he's worth me failing this run and I said he better be and she laughs and runs ahead of me. I got 0/10 on the run (lol but I had a 103% in dance now I'm at a 102% so I'm good.)

Then I get to chem and Cross is lookin like a snacc 😋. I ask him if he went to the assembly ( it was about Black History month) and he said yes (I already know that of course because I saw him 😉) and he said that it was kinda weird and I agreed. We then watched our teacher do a demonstration on putting a metal ball through a metal hoop and it goes through but when you heat the metal ball it doesn't go through the hoop but before she heated it up she asked us to talk in our group to decided what will happen and I said that ball wouldn't go through and Cross says "how much you wanna bet?" And I said "we'll I already know it's not gonna fit because I've done this experiment before" and he smiles and says "well there's no need to spoil it!!" so I put my hands up and said "fine it does fit" then our teacher played a video of an Indian lady explaining how the molecules expand and the way she said solid was "solleed" and him and I looked at each other and tried very hard not to laugh 😂. 

Later we had to work on our study guide for the test and he whispered to me "hey quick question" (which is exactly what I had texted him before👀) and I looked over at him and he continues "what time do we get out of this class?" And I pull out my phone and my dumb facial recognition wasn't working so I started turning red and then I pulled up the schedule and I told him "11:40" and he smiled and checked his phone and I did too and we both said "8 more minutes" at the same time and we just stared at each other and he said "thank you" and I said "you're welcome" and he said "you're welcome" and I paused and said "thank you" and he asked me why I said thank you and I asked him why he said you're welcome when he didn't give me anything and he said that he has the freedom of speech and I said that I have the freedom of speech as well and he starts fumbling with his words going "ah-uh-um-ok" and that was the end of it.

"Alexa play Worth It by Fifth Harmony"

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