Day 3

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Today I was walking to chemistry and I see Sleepy walking towards me and he gave me a quick glance and so I started waving at him and smiling but he just walked right past me and totally ignored me?! Ummmm...what? We don't sit at the same table in history class and now he doesn't know me anymore, got it. In class today, Cross was absent so nothing really occurred but in history class I would turn my head to look at our teacher since he likes to roam around the class when talking about the Power Point and so he was at the back of the class near Sleepy and I would look at Sleepy and he would always be already looking at me and we'd smile at each other.

Thats about it and I've been drinking lots of water and I'm starting to be less doubtful in these subliminals. I've also started listening to a booster and a new subliminal.

This are the new subliminal + booster I've been listening to along with the one from before.

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