Day 65

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At the lab table I'm quiet and he asks me how to convert Celsius to kelvin and he scared me because I was day dreaming about him and he just randomly asked me that and I started turning red. I answered him and he starts chuckling and I look at him and he asks me why I'm mad but I said that I wasn't mad

So we know that former crush made a soundcloud song and I sent it to cross and the whole period he was singing the song and it was so good! (Note the sarcasm)

We talked about playing former crush's song  on the speakers in the classroom and he told me I should do it since it was my idea but I said no because he's teacher favorite and he said I can just say it's that time of the month" and that I did it which literally makes no sense but he's a boy so I guess he barely knows about periods.

Our teacher comes to check up on us and asks if we're doing good on the worksheet and we say we're doing great.

She comes back like 15 minutes later and says in a somewhat angry tone "you two are still on the same problem from when I left you earlier" and I said I finished and she said "well you should have gotten the other worksheet from my desk like I said earlier" and she didn't say anything to Cross so when I came back I said "see she didn't get mad at you because you're her favorite" and he rolls his eyes and says "you didn't get in trouble"

During passing from 5-6th period I was waiting for my friend and I almost crashed into Cross. I'm dumb

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