Day 37

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Oh my gosh guys!!!! I sat down at my desk and Cross was on his phone (this is before class started) and then he put it down and told me that he still hasn't found my Tik Tok account. He's invested into finding it and I don't know why? Is he interested in me or just my videos (that I make about him...hehe. But he doesn't need to know about that🤫😬)
Anyways he kept asking for hints so I told him the first number and he wrote it down!? He said that he needs more numbers. "Five is the sixth number and there's a couple of twos and a couple of fours" is what he said and I nodded. I told him no more hints but who knows?
I'm gonna ask him tomorrow what he's gonna do if he does find my account. It's private and I'm not gonna accept him anyways.

Class started and we had a daily warmup and I finished it easily and he did too so I was just looking around class and bouncing my leg up and down because my god this boy makes me nervous 😓. I noticed him looking at me and then he slowly looks at me from my feet up and starts chuckling to himself so I look at him and say "what?" And he smiles "nothing" and I roll my eyes at him. WHY IS HE LOOKING AT ME UP AND DOWN I DIDNT LOOK CUTE TODAY?!?!

We got to do a lab today and I sat next to him at the lab table!!! The thing I hate about working with him is that he answers questions quickly and write fast (and messy) and I used to do all the work in the labs last year with my previous family so he's doing all the work now and I feel bad. I feel like I have to help out with the questions and stuff but they're confusing and I can't focus because Cross stares at me 😳. He asked me to answer a question and I said "ok lemme think" and he's just staring at me, waiting for me to answer but I can't think!! He intimidates me. I need to help out and do something in the lab because that's what I've been doing last semester and if I don't do anything then I feel really bad and like crap. I'm not like the other people in my family who just wait for the answers (I'm sure they're nice people but they just want to copy off of Cross).

Also update!!!

I've switched up my sub playlist and it's obviously shown some results!!
Here are the videos and I listen to them for 30 minutes in the morning.

This booster I listen to twice or maybe three times because the song is bomb af.

These two I listen to in order and once it ends, I go back to the first crush sub again.

I hope you enjoyed this log because I did!😁 see you tomorrow (we're finishing the lab😉)!!

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