Day 14

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I walked into class with my friend and I was telling her that I knew about the lab we were doing today since a friend from the class told me about it and as I was telling it to her, Cross was eyeing me but I was too scared to look at him. Our teacher was explaining the lab and told us that she will be grading it and Cross got really excited about that (our teacher never grades our labs.) At our lab tables, my friend and I were talking to each other from across the room and Cross would look over at me but yet again I was too afraid to look at him and his sharp 90 ° jawline that could slice and dice me into thin prosciutto slices...ok I'll stop thirsting over him. After class my friend said that their group had to restart their lab because Cross was too hype (he claims to have been on a "hype train") and he didn't follow the instructions. She also was telling me that he was talking about next semester chemistry and she asked if he was still switching out to honors chemistry and he said that he didn't know because he has an A- in the class and the vice principal said that he's not sure if he should switch to honors (even though he's already getting honors credit right now). I have an A- in that class too so we twinsies . I also started crying a lot when I heard that news and my friend was genuinely worried about me lol.



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