Week of No School

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Saturday 3/14/2020

We were texting and I said that I was going to give him random facts until we go back to school and he said "jokes on you. I have corona cirus" which basically means that I will have to give him random facts every day.

He told me to send him the number 3 in bold and I did and I asked him why and he said "just making sure you're still my b*tch" and I- woah..

He told me to send him the number 3 in bold and I did and I asked him why and he said "just making sure you're still my b*tch" and I- woah

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Sunday 3/15/2020

Today's fact was that snails have about 14,000 teeth and he said "oh please tell me more" and I do I have him another one and after he read it he said "more" and I immediately thought of him calling me his b*tch and doing everything he says even without saying "please" and so I told him no because I knew what he was doing and he said "see? Now I got you paranoid" and I tried denying it even though I knew he was right.

I do be simpin over him and I think he knows hes got me wrapped around his finger✌️😔.


Monday 3/16/2020

Today's facts were a bit more on the dirty side. I said that Daddy Longlegs aren't actually spiders and they're crane flies and I said that they're gross and he said that they're useful in killing spiders and so they're goof and I said they looked nasty and he left me on read...cute

Tuesday 3/17/2020

So his fact today was that former crush deleted his song off of SoundCloud and he was upset. He told me he was making a song and he told me when he was halfway done with the song he would let me hear it (apparently he's not halfway done cuz I never heard it but ok good things take time I guess). Anyways he asked me how my day was yesterday and I said it was pretty good and I asked him and he said it sucked because his ex who hasn't talked to him in a year and a half just FaceTimed him and y'all my heart went OOPS 😢 he said that she wanted to come over and talk to him AT HIS HOUSE but obviously she can't cuz of the corona virus and he said "thank you corona virus" so he obviously doesn't wanna see her which makes me happy.

Alexa play "In the Party" by Flo Milli please 😄

We also talked about how we kind of want to go back to school. I just want to see him and apparently the California may shut down schools for the rest of the school year which sucks because I probably won't even have a class with him next year and he'll be a senior and be busy with stuff and I'll be a junior and be busy with school things and ahhh this is not good!!!

Wednesday 3/18/2020

Today was dry af. Like I didn't know we lived in a desert? Anyways his fact was that on average right handed people live 9 years longer than left handed people and he said he's left handed and I said "you'll be missed...by some people" and he said a lot of people will miss him. He also said "You keep texting me everyday so it looks like you'll miss me" and I disagreed even though he's 100% right. I also sent him another fact about how people like seeing anger in others because it helps them memorize things and he said "hehehe" and I said "you must have a very great memory then" because he likes annoying me and making me mad and I was on delivered for an hour and then I checked a couple hours later and was left on delivered...love that😔🥺. Tomorrow ima be a bit bold if I'm not shy about it so we'll see

Thursday 3/19/2020

Today fact is that "The smarter the person is, the faster he thinks, and the sloppier his handwriting is." And he asked me if I've seen his handwriting and I told him it wasn't the prettiest and he saved that fact in the chat🥺. We talked about left handed people being more creative and things and he thought I was left handed too but I'm actually right handed.

He told me to remember "100 million" and I said no because I'm not his b*tch and he say "Kay" and I asked him why I he told me to remember that and guess what? He left me on read at 10:40 ish😊

At one he texted me "just cuz" and I said "well if you want me to remember than you should tell me" then he said that is the number of nerves in our body and I started to smile because that has become our little joke between each other and so I sa...

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At one he texted me "just cuz" and I said "well if you want me to remember than you should tell me" then he said that is the number of nerves in our body and I started to smile because that has become our little joke between each other and so I said "and you get one each one of mine" 😁 we ended up talking about drinks and he said "if you poisoned my drink I'd chug it" and I said that he wouldn't get poison because the ice would have the poison in it. (There's a riddle of two girls drinking iced teas and one chug the drinks while the other slowly drank hers and the one who chugged the iced teas didn't get poison and die because the poison was in the ice so the one who drank it slowly died because the ice melted in her tea).
He said doesn't like ice in his drink because it dilutes the drink and I called him a weirdo for it.

Friday 3/20/2020

So starting April 6th my school is starting online school so for now I'm not doing any school work and I am just left alone in my bed to think of Cross. You guys this actually hurts. Like during my freshman year I felt alone and showed multiple signs of depression and it just was so horrible and this year I felt like I was finally happy and getting my mind together and now I don't have school and it was my only source of communication and that's taken away from me. Cross has been taken away from me physically.

I texted him his fact today which was "Men are not funnier than women: they just make more jokes, not caring whether other people like their humor or not" and he said "nah" and I said "it should say most men" and he disagreed and I told him we had to meet in the middle somehow and I was left one red the whole day. That conversation was about less than 5 minutes. Five. Minutes.


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