Day 62

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My friend passes me sad vibes because she was sad and all that sad energy came to me. So I got to class and waved to cross and he waved back and I waved again . He eyed me up and down in a somewhat seductive way 😂😅

We continues our lab and we had to boil a bit of water in a coke can and then turn it upside down and the can would get crushed and I said that I had to do it and Cross asked me if I wanted to do it but I said I didn't want to do it but I had to (to prove that I'm not a 🐱) so I did and I jumped when the can crushed and Cross chuckled at my reaction.

He talked about the book Fahrenheit 451 and he told me about it and said that I should read it but I found out that there's a movie with Michael B Jordan in it so ima watch that instead. I said that I haven't read a book for fun in a while and I said that my English class was reading Macbeth and he goes "yeah...I forgot that you were a sophomore" and he looked low key disappointed?!?!

He called me a stalker once again and we argued about who's the biggest stalker. And he also called me emo because I wore black converses, black leggings, and a heathered grey hoodie.

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