Day 4

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Sleepy is completely ignoring me and doesn't even notice me anymore. I passed by him in the halls and again he walked right by me without a split second of a glance. BUT Cross on the other hand would turn his head to the right and I'd see his eyes on me :) He was trying to be subtle about it and he would try cracking his jaw (which is sharp af!) and he'd peek over at me. Gah he's so cute! But today we had to work on a study guide and my stupid ex crush kept coming up to me asking for help (when I liked him he used to always ask for the hw, the study guide, and the worksheet answers and I'd give it to him because I liked him a lot so now he mooches off of me and flexes his A in the class which is rightfully MINE! ITS MY A NOT YOURS!!) Anyways he was pulling my hair and jabbing me in my side so I could pay attention to him and not my friend who actually wanted to learn how to do the chemistry work instead of just looking at my answer. Also because she's friends with Cross so I wanted to be able to talk to him but stupid ex crush kept hitting me and all of that crap. Hoes mad I guess.

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