DAY 26🥳

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So I guess you're wondering why I'm posting this new log. Isn't Cross gone? Is Mouse gone too?

Do you remember this?

Well something magically did happen and he's back

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Well something magically did happen and he's back...

I was freaking out before I got into class and so my friend and I walked in and immediately looked for our names and I look at the desks (I didn't see my name on the seating chart yet) and I saw Cross sitting down and I turn to her and whisper "they're both here!" (I saw Mouse walk in class before me) and she's like "oh my god" and then I finally found my name right next to "[Cross]" and my heart freaking pooped itself. I stared at the board for a while longer and walked back and I was at my desk but just to make sure it was there I looked at the board again. I thought he was probably gonna be seated behind me or in front of me but no. He's RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!!!! I put my stuff down and said "I thought you changed classes?" And he said he tried to but his counselor wouldn't let him and I said I didn't know what they looked like so he said "just some old boomer" and we laughed. Class started and we had to move our desks together to form a table with the other two people in our "Family." We each had a minute to say what we did over winter break and what we're looking forward to this semester and the oldest got to go first (found out that Cross' birthday is August 26 and that I'm the baby of the group) and it was awkward but funny because one time it went silent at our table and Cross  said "sooo...does anyone watch the NFL" and everyone said "no" and he's like "aight ok."

It was my turn to introduce myself and when I talked I said that I slept in a whole lot so my sleep schedule was messed up and he agreed. Then I didn't know what to say for what I was looking forward to so I paused and he whispers to me "family time" and I give him an "annoyed doubtful" (raise an eyebrow but also tries to hide smile) and give in. "Family time" I said.

Our chapter that we're learning right now is climate change and so we had to discuss the climate of LA and I said it was "dirty." Then we had to "brainstorm" factors of climate change and we couldn't really think of anything so I suggested that we google it (we had a chrome book at my desk) and Cross says "you're really smart" 😊 but then he says "wait but it says we have to brainstorm" but we all ignored him and I googled it. It took me a while because I type with my index fingers and so he was smiling while watching me do it and I just looked at him and said "what?" and he quickly said "nothing."

We also had to make a graph about the weather and climate in LA and he needed a pen and asked me for one but I didn't have one so I asked him if he wanted a highlighter instead and he said yeah. It was the iconic blue highlighter (you know if you know 😉).

We continued our work until we had to watch short videos on climate change and each title was a factor to climate change that we hadn't written down so every title he saw he pointed it out all happy about it "Hey! Ocean currents. Let's write that down!😄" for the "wind" video he didn't say anything so I looked at him and he looked back and I asked him if we should write it down and he nods and smiled. CHEMISTRY IS ABOUT TO GET LIT!

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