Chapter 143 Jellyfish and the Navigator (4)

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Luffy was indeed calling Hoshino Yuu. He wondered why the little jellyfish disappeared suddenly. After all, it would not be blown away by the wind in the boat.

Hoshino Yu suddenly appeared in front of Luffy and startled Luffy, then he grabbed the little jellyfish and asked, "Where did you go?"

"See... friend." Hoshino Yu replied.

"Do you have friends?" Luffy wondered, "Didn't you say that Ace was the only friend before?"

Hoshino Yuu nodded, "Yes... see Ace."

Luffy's face darkened slightly, he looked a little unhappy, "Little jellyfish, don't fool me like this, and don't use Ace as a joke."

Hoshino Yuu blinked and looked at Luffy, "I'm not joking... Ace is with me."

Luffy frowned, and soon he relaxed again, "Little jellyfish, I know you are sad to lose your only friend, but you can't use such words to make fun of me."

"Ace, he..." Luffy said softly, "He died in my arms, you know? He died for me... Don't say such things anymore, I don't want others to use Ace Come on kidding."

Hoshino looked at Luffy blankly, he seemed to see the person who cried very sadly two years ago, and the person in front of him who didn't cry.

He can't release Ace now, and he shouldn't say such things to make Luffy sad, because Ace died in front of Luffy... Luffy will definitely be sad when he hears himself say such a thing. Yu Hoshino thought belatedly, he seemed to have made a mistake.

But even so, Luffy didn't get angry at Yu Hoshino.

Hoshino Yuu said softly, "I'm sorry... Luffy."

Luffy smiled, "Okay, we are all friends, what are you sorry for?"

Hoshino Yu's tentacles moved, but he still broke free from Luffy and returned to the water basin. He buried his head in the water and exposed the tentacles floating outside.

The thick-lined captain didn't notice that Yuu Hoshino was regretting. He squatted down and asked, "Will this method not cause dizziness? Is the exposed part a butt?"

Hoshino Yu turned over slowly again, he looked at Luffy and replied seriously, "It's my tentacles, no butt..."

"That's right, jellyfish are creatures without a brain...without a heart." Luffy nodded, and he asked again, "Then how do you breathe?"

Hoshino Yuu's body floated, "I don't have breathing organs either..."

It's so strange, Hoshino Yu also felt strange, why did the jellyfish survive like this?

Luffy: "I thought you were different from other jellyfish."

"Of course it's different!" Hoshino Yu replied, "I'm a monster!"

After a pause, he replied, "I won't feel dizzy."

Luffy laughed, and he suddenly asked, "How did you and Ace meet?"

"With Ace?" Hoshino recalled.

"I accidentally entered the big prison under the sea, but I couldn't get out after entering..."

In the deep and dark prison, Yu Hoshino saw Ace, but it should be said that Ace saw him first.

"You seem to be suffering." The little jellyfish approached the young man, "I can make you feel better, want to be my friend."

Ace was not at all surprised by the little jellyfish with strange golden light, eyes and a small mouth. He certainly didn't believe that a little jellyfish could make him feel better, but he still smiled and said to the little jellyfish, "Okay .”

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