2.Prologue -Alpha Damon

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"Kadeennn!! Where the fuck are you, you worthless little-" I yell, hoping wherever that bastard was could hear me, so he can run far far away before I get my hand on him.

I hear a heavy sigh, "Hello brother. What is it now?" He steps into my office, dressed in black, his eyes burning with a spark of humor.

"Kaden...Are those rogues in their cells yet or are you busying flirting your worthless ass off with those sluts?" I growl, my anger increasing by the seconds. Kaden was busy toying with the knife in his hand, twirling it around and around in a simultaneously loop. Having no blood related tie myself, the last thing to a brother I had was Kaden.

We just caught a band of rogues who thought it would be fine to stay in my land without permission. Approximately we had caught 300 and maybe more, for those were mere numbers and we didn't have to worry about room because about three rogues per day as a play toy for me would eliminate a lot.

"Yes it's done and I'm was not flirting. I was merely offering my assistance with boasting their performance rates like the gentleman I am, but -" I cut him off with my growl again.

"But what?!" I grunt. I hated the word 'but' because it was always was meant an unnecessary obstacle had arisen.

Another heavy sigh from his side, "I was going to say that even though they denied my offer, I have to say their friends are quite...persuasive for other matters."

I let my chuckle out, "Really now? I say, you should've given my number to them. I could've enjoyed a little myself as well. Anyway back to business, did you place those rogues in their cells yet?" I ask again in calmer tone, spinning in my chair side to side.

"Yup," he said, popping the the ending. "Go get them tiger," he says waving his knife to me.

I stand up, make myself toward the main door when Kaden tosses the knife in air toward me which I effortlessly caught with one hand on the handle.

I excitedly make my way down the dark hallway and down the stacks of stairs to the basement because I eager to get some blood on my hands. Whenever I was pissed or angry, I found getting my hands dirty with blood or girls helped for some interesting reason.

I rush across the dusty old basement to the old musty closet that sat solemnly on the other side of the room. I shove the closet to the side, and rapidly punch the pin in to the large metal door, concealing my favourite room in the entire house which now was filled with cells of filthy rogue in rags.

Oh boy, aren't we gonna have some, Dylan -my wolf- smirks.

I let my inner smile shine up on my face as I face my new play toys.

Of course, I chuckle.

The rouges look up with fear at the sight of me and my chuckle, trying to find hide their children -from all ages and sizes, - behind their backs, trying to prevent me from seeing them because they all knew about my reputation. I pass through the smaller cells to the back were there were the larger cells were held because I was in the mood for some entertainment. I yank open lock to one of bigger cells, to see a timid little girl no bigger than 15 years in a ragged grey summer dress, sitting on the ground with her knees to her chin.

She saw me with her large aqua blue eyes filled with fear as I step closer. For every step I take, she moved an inch back until she was right against the back wall. The second her skin came into contact with the wall she hissed out in pain, cussing some colourful words but she doesn't look up at me, her hair creating a halo hiding her face from mine. By guessing on her beauty, I had to say, her intelligence wasn't as sharp as I thought.

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