23. The Trip Home...

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Since the last time Damon visited me and delightfully "gifted" me, I've been doing nothing else beside jumping in and out of conscious. The first week was the worse honestly, and the most longest.

For 6 days or more, everything been in flashes and blurs. I could catch some glimpses of my surrounding when my vision would clear up but they were brief. Extremely brief. Like my eye would open for 15 second before crawling back into the same old darkness where Damon's word were on repeat. 

"I never asked for her to be my Mate just so you know and the Moon Goddess above knows, I never wanted her from when I first laid eyes on her and I never will, for she's a pain in my ass and a waste of space. That's all..."

The second week began much clearer than the previous but I still couldn't maintain my conscience for long. This time -unlike the first week, I could interact with Angel and Mia who usually remained by my side for the night. We would exchange brief words before my conscious would devour me, leaving me in my cold solitude.

Christina would visit durning the day, but throughout it all, I'd had to say the worst part was the guards accompanying Angel guys. All three of them had their own unit of guards, 3 men and 4 women. I wouldn't be complaining since they were a part of my Pack at a time.
Key Word in that line; Were.

They wouldn't say anything but I could tell by their expressions they weren't pleased with me. They would remain at a fairly good distance away with their hands crossed behind them like marble statues, hovering just behind their assigned Luna, but unfortunately that meant the wall directly in front of me.

The humble, kind eyes that I once grew seeing everyday were now frozen with hatred. Their eyes were always transfixed on me and my every movement, as if it were a threat to Angel Mia or Christina in any possible way. They saw me as a potential enemy now, just cause of my brand new relationship to the RedBlood Pack.

The weeks following began much far better than hoped. Dr.Rossi began prescribing new meds even though I hadn't seen him once since my conscious started to clear up.

I was more thrilled than worried, believe me on that. Thrilled by the fact I didn't have to see him and worried by the fact he never came to check my physical well being. Either way I was stuck with him.

Every day since then, became a routine. Nurses scurrying to refill my IV, Angel patting my hand in a soft rhythm, Mia stroking my hair, Christina complaining from besides to me to the nurses for trivial stuff and Angel's after scolding to her to keep silent.

I couldn't be more glad to have their company in a time like this but the reminder of that a war was brewing was just like having a time bomb roped around your hopes. They acted like nothing ever happened; like there wasn't a disputed and a war declaration right before their eyes in this very room where they stood. I figure if they could act like that, so should I.

Even if no words were exchanged, that didn't change the atmosphere whenever a nurse or anyone from the hospital would walk in. The way Angel guys would straighten their posture discreetly and flash their eyes at the person with rage and act natural doing so. The way the guards would shift their eyes from mine and sharpen their gaze in under a spilt second, secretly awaiting to use a single wrong move as an excuse to tackle them.

A war was in play but I couldn't help but feel guilty for it. You couldn't change shit even if you wanted too Nora, my wolf June would tell me. I had no choose but to oblige even if I opposed it in every way.

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