50. The Heat of Night...

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Nora's POV;

I want to die.

I want to be in the dark, left alone to shrivel with knees drawn up to my chest and scream at the world, at the people, at the universe, at the Moon Goddess, at everything and everyone ever associated with Damon; that's how bad I wanted to die die.

I could feel the muscles in every part of my being contracting, twisting painfully. Heat was emitting from my skin and boiling my insides. The sheets felt like hot oil in which I was drowning, I couldn't hold my breathe long enough before there was another wave churning my stomach. My insides felt like mellow, my throat dried out and scratchy. The bile rising to my mouth burned my throat and my eyes swelled from tears.

I couldn't recall much of what happened after Kaden cracked my attacker's, James's, neck and drove us out into the star lit night and it was then, when my eyes had lost to the tiredness. When I had opened them again, I was transported to my old bedroom at the SilverRose Pack with the same rows of bookshelves, chipped mug holding my highlighters, comfy chair with my fat knitted blanket and the frame containing the final memory of my mom and dad by my bedside.

In the dull lights of both of my reading lamps, my parents smile were beaming brightly. Someone had been tending to the floating water lily which I was kept by my parent's picture after I found out mom had a dozen of them at our old home before it was ever burnt to the ground. I thought keeping one by them would help me remember something of them, although I couldn't possibly because of being only about a day or three old at the time.

The doorknob rattled, squeaking on its hinges softly before swinging open fully.

I opened an eye, gasping for air when he decided to make his step in. I suck on my breath. In the same clothes as the party, he looked as if he had stepped out a nightmare I had conjured the night following.

His smirk was replaced with a frown, fingers curled and it was like something weighting his shoulders down as he walked. His eyes were on me the entire time, not once wavering to look elsewhere. He held a storm of gold and black in this orbs and the rage in his fist.

I could sense his eyes regarding with me weights of pity, although, I knew he'd probably find this funny. So funny that he was perhaps dying with laughter on the inside. The thought enraged me so much, Id be shaking if I weren't shivering right now. My fist balled the sheets so hard, I felt my talons sear the fabric while he took the seat by my side. Him being here in the same room was thickening my blood, but being just adjacent. It was simply preposterous.

Boring his eyes into mine, he undoes the buttons to his shirt. "I didnt want this to be like this between us, but I promise to make it stop."

Rolled to a side, panting for breath when I realize the intent of his mind, I rise muttering a line of protests when I felt a hand pin me back down to the bed, and his legs straddled on either side. "No! Stay away! XAVIERRRRR! Ryannnnnnn! ZAYNNNNN!!!"

His mouth came crashing down against the mark, his lips sucking it of it's warmth and sending a shock of electricity. He was mindful to be gentle when biting on the skin, but I couldn't shake of the feeling as if all this were just another feeble lie meant to seduce me into giving what he wanted. "Damon!"

His actions only amplified the pain, the pain so intensified it curled my toes and made me throw my head back and scream with tears. He was tracing his path up to my face, where his lips found mine and sealed my scream mid-breathe. Using his teeth to chew on my lower lip, I felt his tongue pry my lips apart and soon after I had the taste of him on the back of my throat.

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