56. The Changes...

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God, who knew sex could be so exhausting.

I was in bed, head slumped on the soft hardness of Damon's chest, resting tiredly with his arms spun around me just taunt enough to prevent me from shifting away. 

The room was large, similar to the one back at Damon's capital except here it felt more warmer and welcoming. Even the dark depressing paint, with the freakish neatness of the room, was comforting.

The dimmed lights adorning the room were still burning, the sun still to early to be in the sky and a cold January breeze drifting in from the crept of the creaked window.

"How are you feeling?" It was a first time I heard him be concern, and since it was a gesture I yearned at one time ago, I couldn't resist but smile.

"Tired," I sigh, loving how Damon was twirling with the ends of my hair. Spotting his three burning ring tattoo on his inner forearm, my heart fluttered from the memory of his body heating against mine. I stroke it with the back of my finger.

If he is the big bad wolf, then I am the Moon he sings too. I smirk from the memory of last night. The night was a hot mess, repeating of the same old and achieving of many other complicated positions. He was certainly singing alright.

I was aching everywhere, with a desperate urge for a hot bath. The muscles in my stomach contracted for a bit, making me feel uneasy like I was about to retch. Rolling back a bit within his loosened arms still, I prop myself on my elbows to help catch my breath.

"Nora?" He asked, his brows furrowed in concern. I regret turning back to see his face; his hair a darkly beautiful chaos going in every which direction, those darkened eyes from last night brightened with a divine spark, cheekbones of gold and mellow lips drawn in a tight frown.

Falling back down into his arms, I adjust the cloth around my chest breathing lighter than before. "Just a bit sore, nothing I can't handle really."

He sat up, resting my head down and comes in for the kiss apologizing. "Im sorry. Its my fault. I shouldve gone easier on you."

"Then I wouldn't have been in bed with you still if you were too be." I say with a delightful smirk.

Smacking our heads together playfully til our noses touch, he bent again for another peck. "Roll over."

"Oh so Im your pup now? Should I call you Alpha daddy now?" His eyes have a mischievous glint at the thought.

"Youre always free too but now that youve mentioned it, Id prefer it mio amore." I couldn't resist the urge to roll my eyes. He nibbles my lip, giving them a delicious knick. "Trust me you'd want to roll over."

"Fine," I rumble, slowly flipping around with the sheets twisted around my bodice. Damon rested himself on his elbow, awaiting patiently for me finish laying on my belly.

He went atop, sliding his fingers down to my hands where he twisted them upwards and overhead, when I heard the light sound of metal clink. My eyes spotted the vibrant rose fur before feeling the softness brush my wrist and linked to a rod under the headboard.

"Damon?" I asked, trying to keep the alarm in my voice subsided.

"You'd want to bend your knees love," he whispers by my ear before pulling the sheets away, and basking at my skin. I blush, my cheeks stained as the colour of tomato juice. There were blemishes of old acne scars adorning the nape and shoulder area of my back. They were only one of my many insecurities.

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