66. The Night Rather Then Day...

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Nora's POV

There was no way in hell I'd stop pacing. Yes, well, maybe being heavily pregnant should stop me from doing it but it hadn't. The rush of my thoughts were too obscure to describe and my stupid, pathetic mind could only imagine the worse. Even Ollie was frantically pacing with me. I hadn't even noticed him until he startled me from my bedside after Damon's departure.

I was still in the bedroom, pacing, when I heard the noise of scratching. I stopped dead in my tracks and halted the twirling of my mother's chain from around my neck. Luckily Ollie had became quiet too, likely from copying me. June perked our ears and found the source as coming from above. No.

There were guards trailing outside I knew, so despite assuming I went to check and saw the mangled corpses upon the earthen ground. A scream came up naturally since everything graphic made my stomach turn lately. Luckily, my hand covered the scream before it was even voiced. My feet took me back away from the window, and the sound of my heart pounding filled my ears. Ollie gave a low whimper and snuggled by my legs from below.

More footsteps joined the previous from above. June...

I tried remembering the old layout before it was ever remade. Xavier wanted to make it exact, so that meant the only way in for them was to break through the attic's small sun deck and down the ladder, into the house.  The attic was suppose to be right above me which meant they had to come down into the end of this hallway. Cazzo.

My thoughts scattered at what to do. I didn't even know where the other three girls were, whether they were unconscious or not. June, please, I can't.

Step aside sissy, June said as she swapped my control for hers, my eyes burning a radiant gold hue as seen from the vanity's reflection.

She tied our hair into a stiff ponytail and waddled ourselves out as best as she could with Ollie of course trailing silently. With our hair swaying to each side, she peeked round the edge of our door and checked to see if they had opened the attics door. They had not. Angels bless them.

June was leading us down the staircase when there a vicious low growl from below. Ollie being just as possessive as Damon, gave a returning vicious growl. Ah fuck.


I made our ascend back up when the sound of a wolfs feet padding the wood came closer. I took him to the second floor before dashing to take one of the decorative daggers we had. Making Ollie sit a good distance away, the wolf was just coming up when I, standing besides and waiting patiently, rammed it through its head. The grey mutt didn't even give a whimper when it fell. Ollie for some reason did, yelping a bit. Genetically altered my ass.

There was an encore of howls, coming from above and below, and outside and in.

There were more coming up when I took no time in hurrying up the staircase back to the third floor. I got to my old bedroom, still painted in the same old royal navy I remember with the old clothing I promised to rearrange thrown over the chair to my desk. I think here was a plate of old crumbs on my bed too, Ollie cleaning it real quick though.

Not even bothing to lock the door, I cradled my stomach when tearing open my closet for the box I always kept here. Finding it stashed away under my heels felt even better than finding money in my pocket. Donning the thick yellow gloves, I took it out with great caution, smirking to myself. Ollie sniffed curiously, tongue panting out his mouth.

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