53. The Leaving and Coming...

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"Nora," her voice called hoarsely from behind, "Nora, its 6 already." A sudden pause, then a second later she said, "I am coming in whether you like it or not."

The door unlatched and open to a room on display with gold shards peeking through the window. Glass fragments from the dresser sparkled the floor, curtains hanging as rags with claw marks, feathers from torn pillows still floating the air from the wind, books thrown on every corner of the room, the once neatly stacks of pages now scattered, reading lamps crushed, clothes ripped and in heaps of strips. With me in the center on the ground by my half shredded bed, in the drenched towel draped as my bodice. "Oh Nora. What have you done to your haven?"

"Created a visual representation of whats going on inside me on more than a psychological level," I reply, pulling out a flask and tucking my feet under me when sitting crossed legged, watching Angel as she maneuvered around the glass clutching her round belly.

"Don't be such a sass mouth. Did you create," She cringed from the sight of my torn undergarments -specifically my bras, half dangling from each palm leave shaped ceiling fan blade, and then cringed again when she me drink "-this before or after going on a trip down frenzy lane like some rampaging animal? What will you brothers say!"

"That their baby girl sacrificed her virginity to the biggest Alpha jerk of the century," I murmur, drawing another gulp. "Guess there goes my chances of becoming the next Virgin Mary."

She glared sternly, soothing her belly. "I am being serious Nora. I know last night...was difficult for you. It was for us all actually. No one slept a wink. We're too worried for you."

"Oh yeah? Are you all?" I accuse, rising to my feet without staggering. God bless a wolf's alcohol tolerance.

"Let me run from hellhole then," I said passively, finally bringing myself to say the words I've been dying to say for some time now.

"Have you gone mad. You want to go rogue-"

"Let me finish Angel," I put a hand to stop her, allowing myself to look straight into her eyes.

"I can't take this anymore. I need to run or else things will get worse for me and that's when I fear I might make this biggest mistake of my life. I have to save whatever dignity I have left, although, I'm afraid I've already lost that the second I crossed those borders with that wolf. I need to leave before he can come back and own me." The truth from the words throttled me, the memory of him searing my head.

'I never asked for her to be my Mate just so you know and the Moon Goddess above knows, I never wanted her from when I first laid eyes on her and I never will, for she's a pain in my ass and a waste of space. That's all!'

'It means my dear sister, you are on the early stages of falling in love.'

'Power is essential here, and you must have a desire for more if you wish to stay on the top.'

Stephanie in a scandalous lingerie straddling Damon in his chair, his arms holding her lower back down to deepen the touch of their lips while she wove her fingers in hair. One of his hand rose to yank her hair back, his mouth going for her exposed neck and jaw.

How my mind swerved from the thought of where his hand had been over her body before mine.

  'I enjoyed shoving my tongue down her throat. I found some enjoyable pleasure in it -if that helps you sleep at night. The way she tugged on my hair whenever I nibbled down on her throat. The way she ranted my name when I struck her G-spot, hard. Her moans-.'

That son of a prickled dick.

"Nora listen to me," She reached out to grasp my arms, her motherly tone activated in full alarm. "You're so much more than this. Running isn't always the right thing to do."

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