57. The Morning News...

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Damon's POV;

Nora wasnt well. At least by her ashen face I knew.

Everyone at the table was munching away, chatting a bit too loudly but not enough to mask the noise of glass breaking from the direction of the kitchen. I was the first to shove my chair back with so much force it tipped and toppled to the ground, making a run to the kitchen by Dylan's command.

She's alright, she might have just dropped a- I was saying at Dylan's foolish protectiveness, not suspecting to find Nora crippled on the ground in a pool of her own blood oozing from her wrist with glass shards embedded in her skin tissue. What the fuck...

"Nora!" Dylan cries, nabbing the control from my reach. He turned her body so she was looking up at us with eyes shut. Slipping a gentle hand down under her awkwardly bent knees and chest, Dylan hoisted her into our arms as we rose.


Everyone was mostly standing hurdled around as we got out the kitchen. "Nora!" "Is she hurt?" "What in the meriful heaven happened!" "Who broke what now!" "Is that my Nutella?"

"Xavier, have Dr.O'Brien called in," Dylan said to an unsettling calm Xavier -who took one glance to the unconscious bloodied Nora and nodded. Christina frowned as he didnt hesitate in shattering his mug to the ground, taking his phone.

"What's your mindlink good for, ordering take out!"

Dylan, Ive changed. Let me hold her please. She needs us both equally, I said, rendering a breathless Dylan to restore my limbs of my control.

You better not screw this up or you have me to answer too Damon, Dylan growled before finally dissolving to the back of my head.

Nora looked smaller than her age with her pale complexion, face slender, lips drier and redder for she had picked them raw the whole drive here without even knowing. Yes I was keeping tabs on her, I couldn't help but notice how much she was distant. At first I thought it was the running she had done for the past week with no sleep, then I suspected it was the worry of meeting her enraged family after fleeing but even after, there was something wrong. She looked horribly sick to her guts about it.

We reached the end of the upstairs hallway, gently swinging the door open with my shoulder before crossing to get to her bed and lay her flat. Yanking a thick bunch of tissues, I gave a hard compress to her wrist wound trying not to be abstracted by the amount of blood she had lost.

Eventually my heart eased a bit when hearing the creak of staircase and later the sight of Dr.O'Brien running to my side, taking a hold my blood stained bundle of tissues. "Ill take care of her Alpha. You might want to step out though."

A hand rested on my shoulder from behind, a troubled Ryan pulling me in the direction of the door while the three other girls ran in, Mia halting to shut the door on her way as soon as we stepped out.

Each second that ticked by was too much to describe, the sound of my blood drop-by-drop pelting the ground the only sound to be heard. Ive never felt so attached to someone before and the feeling of not being here when they needed the worst of all. It was a guilt you could not get rid of no matter what you did or how hard you tried to make up for the time lost.

No wonder Nora was hurting, Ive done this is much and never had a second thought about the consequences. It was indeed a miracle how Nora forgave me even when I clearly wasn't worthy. The sealed and reddened slice down my tattoo stung.

The door reopened just as my head spun with every horrid possibility of what could've happened. Dr. O'Brien hadnt even taken a step out when the scent of roses picked at my nose triggering me to sprint in and sit besides her, caressing her limp darkened hair.

Sensing the touch, Nora gave a weakened stir. Her feet turned from under the sheets as she did, snuggling closer to by me. "D-Damon."

"Yes mio amore?"

"D-Damon," She called again groggily, rubbing at her eyes with her bandaged hand. Hearing her was glorious, I didn't know how much my heart was heavy until it was enlightened by hearing her call out my name.

"How is she?" Someone, judging by the voice was Xavier, asked.

"So-so. Thready pulse, again, but this time because of the injury sustained. The glass didnt sever any tendon or nerve so that's good. Neither was it sufficiently deep." He sighed with a bit of a stammer which I found unusual.

"What is it Dr. O'Brien? Is there more?" Zayn inquired, catching the doctor's somber downcast tone.

"Why yes. There is actually. Its just that," Dr.O'Brien hesitated, pausing for second. I could feel the many sets of eyes narrowed on us. He didnt even need to complete the sentence, for something inside me already knew the answer to her odd demeanor but nonetheless I was fazed with what else was added.

"She's pregnant...with twins."

Heyyyyy owlettes,

Another recommendation for you on Wattpad by my friend/ giraffe xXLightingTheNightXx  called Chasing the Cold One.

It has one hella start😍.

The Author;

Pleasing the Heartless Alpha...Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora