11. The Perfect Illusions...

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Ryan's POV;

Xavier was the first to snap his head at Christina, right after Nora left the altar and headed to the exit with that young representative from Alpha Damon. He and Nora laughed some bit when I first checked up, but after awhile, I saw Nora jog out with him trailing behind her.

Curiously, I drew my attention back just in time to catch Xavier's harsh and impatient words. "What did Nora mean?"

Luckily, we were the only ones in the church despite the few remaining guards we had stationed outside and the few guards from RedBlood Pack that Damon's Beta himself insisted on.

Zayn had crossed his hands, while Mia was behind him with her hands resting on his shoulders blades. Angel was ahead of me, her arms wrapped around her bare arms as if she was cold. I embrace her snuggling her close with the tip of her head by my cheeks. We hug each other close as the we see the scene enfold.

Cristina choked back a cry, tears staining her rosy cheeks. "X-Xavie-e-er, I-I," she stammered.

It was unlike of her to cry, so seeing her like this was painful, not only for me but for Xavier as well. I could definitely sense it.

"No Christina! No excuses, not anymore! I've given you time like Angel and Mia had advised me, but now I've had enough! I need answers. You nearly fell down the stairs more than 3 times this past week, so please," Xavier said, holding onto Christina's arms. His voice was deep and heavy as if it had been burdened with the weight of several days of awaiting for answers.

"Please baby. I need answers." He pleaded in a lower tone, pulling her close to his body. Their bodies molted perfectly into each other frame; Christina's face was weeping against his shoulder. 

"Forgive m-me." She weeped. "I-I was just scared with everything that's happened so far. Since the meeting, Nora's Mate, Nora's health, the weddin-"

"Sssshh," Xavier extricated himself from the embrace and bent down to place his lips on hers. I felt a smile tug up on Angel's face and when she turned around to see me, I pulled her face to mine for a brief kiss.

"I know everything's been crazy for the past week. I know it's been rough for Nora as well as for us but right now, I just want to be selfish, and care for you only. Please, tell me what's up." He spoke softly, caressing her cheeks with the tips of his fingers.

Christina sniffed, as his fingers wiped her cheeks and gently pulled her face towards his. Xavier once again bent down but this time to kiss her temple.

"Xavier," she started shyly, lightly looking down at the ground. Christina's left hand hung loosely down from his arms while her right hand remained coiled around her stomach.

His pale eyes shone with a new light of hope. "Christina?"

A laughed slipped accidentally from her, before her pale brown eyes rose and widen with shock.

Mia's scream echoed throughout the empty church, ricocheting off the crested walls, catching Xavier's as well as my attention. I saw Xavier flip around as Zayn whirled Mia back back with his hands draped around her waist.

I defensively pull Angel back as well. From the corner of my eyes, I noticed a snarling space grey wolf lung at Xavier.

Christina, last minute yanked Xavier's arm behind 180 degrees around as Christina carelessly placed her body was in front. Me and Angel tumbled backwards into the ground and as I hid Angel's face, I ended up seeing everything.

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