16. Wedding Duties...

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Damon's POV;
(Finally, I know right!¡)

Get your damn ass up, Dylan barked, before the sun could grace me with it's annoying rays.

I grumble irritably, muttering some cusses at Dylan angrily while rolling my head around on my pillow at the same time. Resting my head on the pillow with my hand tucked beneath and while breathing in through my nose, something soft landed directly on my face, covering it whole.

"What the-?" I swear, brushing the thing off. In one quick jarring motion I had shoved it off my face and rolled my eyes to my left grudgingly.Her chocolate kissed hair was brushed upwards, revealing her backless dress that was dipped down till her waist and that I would've killed to open.

Because of her back being practically inches away, her clear silicone bra was sharply visible with my adjusted wolf sight. Her strapped constricted with every breath she took, making the temptation even worse.

My eyebrows rose greedily and just when my fingers were millimeters away, Dylan began his usual Mate rant.

Don't you dare! Can't you see that she's sleeping? You can't just touch her like a creep when she's asleep! He scolded like the over protective mother he is.

Oh, just shut up! Spare me in the morning at least from your daily lectures! I grunt through gritted teeth before blocking him out.

I steal a last glance at my easy ticket for some quick pleasure before hopping out of bed. I had decided that keeping her away from me would inflict more pain, not just for her but for her wolf as well and that would eventually lead to her desperation for me to increase.

Also because I knew if I did lay a finger on her when Dylan wouldn't have wanted, he would've killed me, just with his lectures alone. After dealing with that, I hopped out of bed wearing a tight scowl upon my face as the sunlight poured in.

Muttering as many swear words as I could, I drag myself to the shower where I stripped out of my tuxedo and jump in to the flow of steaming water. Like about 5 minutes later, I was stepping out of the shower with only a single towel wrapped around my waist. Beads of water slipped from my scalp, down my toned chest to where they meet the towel and dissolved.

I brushed my teeth and ran a hand through my wet hair before unlocking the door and meeting the cool outside breeze, along with the heavenly scent of freshly plucked roses blended with the scent of vanilla.    

While trudging to the closet, from the corner of my eye I spotted her chest rise and drop with very breath, making me stop on my tracks.

I swear her scent was enhancing my sense in ways I didn't believe were even possible. My mind froze, starting to think about her intoxicating scent and how her hourglass like body would've perfectly melted with mine. The thought of her body pressed against mine was desirable enough but to think, that her scent was now woven amongst the bed sheets was gnawing at me. I wanted to caress her face and weave my fingers through those locks of dark swirls.Her silky feather-like hair scattered over my pillow, her backless back against the mattress, the sheets coiled around her waist.

For once, I was actually jealous of the sheets coiled around her, for they were allowed to touch her in ways I couldn't. After god knows how long, I finally snapped out of her trance wearing a tighter scowl than before.

Pleasing the Heartless Alpha...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt